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Nevermind, looks like the city is shut down tomorrow. No work.

Bring on the evidence.
bler144: Nevermind, looks like the city is shut down tomorrow. No work.

Bring on the evidence.
Huh? How can I shut down mine too? Is there a button?
bler144: Nevermind, looks like the city is shut down tomorrow. No work.

Bring on the evidence.
sunshinecorp: Huh? How can I shut down mine too? Is there a button?
Just live in a major city that owns only 2 plows, and no sand/salt trucks and push the "freezing rain and snow" button.
bring on the evidence
Yeah, bregvidence already.
bler144: Nevermind, looks like the city is shut down tomorrow. No work.

Bring on the evidence.
sunshinecorp: Huh? How can I shut down mine too? Is there a button?
Contact ISIS
sunshinecorp: Huh? How can I shut down mine too? Is there a button?
Gnostic: Contact ISIS
The Sterling Archer one?
Bring on the Evidence and more food, we're getting hungry here...
low rated
The votes are in! Let’s review what’s happened today.

On Day 1, Mr. Endre Whitemane was brought before the court. Plopped into the defendant’s chair, he immediately nodded off into dreams of hunting and chasing kids off his lawn. The 11 jury members, a brave collection of GOG members, were brought in along with the Puzzlemaster to determine the fate of this man. Bler sleepily rubbed his eyes and yawned, waking up more as Mr. Whitemane fell into a deeper sleep. Mikopotato and Habanerose exchanged half-worried and half-competitive glances, notepads in hand, attempting to solve the Puzzlemaster’s earlier mystery which had as of yet gone unsolved. As the judge called the court to session, the Puzzlemaster left briefly at the drowsy, yet grating request from Bler for a slice of pizza from the café, and while leaving the courtroom, the defendant woke up just enough to shoot his gun off in the air and yell for a Coke and a Snickers bar. Moving much more quickly than he knew was possible for his out-of-shape body, the Puzzlemaster quickly retrieved these items and gave them back, wondering the entire time how in the heck the defendant, out of all people, managed to get a gun into the courtroom.

Now that everybody was organized, the jury heard the case and immediately got on the ball. Sunshinecorp, wasting no time, immediately knew what evidence he wanted to see. In the meantime, the other jurors asked for small clarifications on details while Emachine formed a helpful chart. There was some deal of quarrelling, including various threats and pleadings directed towards the helpful yet trollish Puzzlemaster, and while everybody was distracted, Habanerose took the opportunity to give his last guess of his earlier mystery, earning a success after showing his notepad to the Puzzlemaster on the side, causing much mumbling from poor mikopotato.

Much shouting and fascinating theories ensued, including werewolves, pointy sticks, and cars. 011284mm and Austrobogulator remained silent for some time, listening to the crowd and taking notes. Eventually, both nodded to each other, and presented their theories. Soon, the jurors realized that the defendant could be questioned, and suddenly became violent at this opportunity. The poor defendant lost his soda, but undeterred, went back to sleep and began gnawing on his Snickers bar instead. The threats increased to the point where the Puzzlemaster had to implement the Defense Protection Program, whereupon the jurors backed down.

In the midst of the confusion, the Puzzlemaster held an enthralling philosophical conversation with the spectator Emob78. Soon reminded of his duty, however, he returned to talk with the jury. He soon regretted this mistake upon seeing that Emachine had become inexplicably inebriated after stumbling into the café. This was a very confusing situation, considering that the café has no alcohol license, and the Puzzlemaster figured it was best not to question this. Instead, he implemented tools of self-defense until the man calmed down. He decided it was better for him to tally up the votes, but he then realized there were only 11 jurors! Gamefood was mysteriously missing! He considered waiting, but the jurors were getting so bored that they began to chant for an advancement, as well as more food, and became distracted while chatting with the audience. Therefore, it was decided that things would continue and Gamefood would just have to catch up when and if he ever arrived.

The votes showed a fairly clear majority of 5. Although 3 members wanted to check the car, and others questioned the laundry, evidence from the house was presented.
Post edited January 04, 2016 by zeogold
Defense: "Did you examine the house for clothing?"
Investigating officer: "Yes, and we found nothing resembling the light-colored jumpsuit worn by the masked perpetrator."
Defense: "Would you expect the perpetrator's clothing to have blood on it?"
Investigating officer: "Yes, Jeremy Oaks was bleeding heartily. The other man would certainly have gotten it on himself."
Defense: "And did you find any blood at all in Mr. Whitemane's house?"
Investigating officer: "We did."
Defense: "What? You did?!"
Investigating officer: "Yes. We ran over the entire house with phosphorescent light, designed to reveal the smallest traces of blood. We found blood residue on the floor of the laundry room and the kitchen and trailing out into the field."

The jury was then released to deliberate. The day passed.

Post edited January 04, 2016 by zeogold
Audience member thinking out-loud:

If the masked perpetrator "would certainly have gotten it (blood) on himself", so would the defendant since he was caught dragging the corpse around in the field. Then he went in and out of his house accompanied by the police.

I wonder, was he being questioned in the kitchen before the timer went off?
Post edited January 04, 2016 by ashwald
Wondering now, whose blood was it: Mr. Oaks, or someone else's ? (speculation: maybe his wife's)

Also, where in the house did the police Interrogate him?

And did they find anything else suspicious (or where they just checking for the jumpsuit... which would be quite lazy of them)

Sidenote: it was already mentioned that when the timer of the laundry machine went off, he followed /guided(?) the policemen to where it was, so even if there were traces of blood from Mr. Oaks there, it wouldn't really work as proof against him, as he was covered in his blood already... same could go for the traces in the kitched, depending on whether or not he was interrogated there)
zeogold: We found blood residue on the floor of the laundry room and the kitchen and trailing out into the field."
Did they investigate the blood trail any further, or were they just content in knowing that it trailed off into the field...?

I'm going to continue with my idea that this is the Gog version of 12 Angry Men. You see, this all takes place in a world of black and white; people only see things in terms of lightness and darkness - this is why we've never received any actual colour descriptions...
zeogold: The votes showed a fairly clear majority of 5. Although 3 members wanted to check the car, and others questioned the laundry, evidence from the house was presented.
Technically 5 of 12 (or 11) is not a majority, though in this case it is a plurality.

Just woke up. Need breakfast before I really dig in.
zeogold: The votes showed a fairly clear majority of 5. Although 3 members wanted to check the car, and others questioned the laundry, evidence from the house was presented.
bler144: Technically 5 of 12 (or 11) is not a majority, though in this case it is a plurality.

Just woke up. Need breakfast before I really dig in.
I'm tempted to say "The Puzzlemaster makes gamefood's vote for him! He has voted for the house!" just so my original statement would be right.