zeogold: If you want any more information about him, you'll have to ask him yourself. He's sitting right there in the chair, after all.
Just make sure you stay off his lawn. He seems kinda touchy about that.
You can reply to his post
here and start any banter you please. Just note that he'll do little to help the case along besides try to point out his innocence.
011284mm: I completely missed that. Thank-you.
Well I know he talks. So he is not mute. Rules that out.
EndreWhiteMane: This is preposterous! Take a man away from his Viking bear hunters TV show and his laundry just because some rascal got hisself shot? Varmint deserved it if you ask me.
Let me go I say, this is just on of them frame ups!
011284mm: How long have you and your wife been separated?
Do you love you wife very much?
When did your wife and you last speak?
Do you keep your gun in the house locked up?
Were you drinking on the night the incident occurred?
Have you been a long time drinker?
Do you or your wife gamble?
Do you rent or own your house or is it still mortgaged?
I don't think you understand, friend. He's not going to give you any hints or information at all. If he so desires to give you a semi-serious answer of any sort, it will not be officially endorsed by the Puzzlemaster and will probably just serve to lead you down the wrong path (he's just here to be a fun little diversion, to actually have a fairly-well-known GOG member on trial. He doesn't even know the "correct" verdict!).
zeogold: "Come listen to a story 'bout a man named Entre, a poor mountaineer who barely kept up family banter..."
I dunno, just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
sunshinecorp: Are you evading or are you actually admitting to not having watched Brazil. Keep in mind the the latter is a criminal offence in billions of countries.