zeogold: Hey, now, I'm no Riddler. That idiot is an amateur, he leaves clues that lead right to him. ME, I leave puzzles so unfathomably difficult, by the time they figure it out and realize that it has nothing to do with the recent string of angered puzzle-solvers, I'm long gone.
Wait... it does? For robbery?
Dang, man. That's rough.
Emob78: But one day you may make your puzzles so difficult that 'they' stop trying to solve them. With a lack of ego present, there is no fuel to search for the id.
Never be so good at something that no one else will offer to give you practice at the thing that you claim to be so good at.
Then I just continue solving. Eventually, I break the world record for most puzzles solved, and increase my ego like that. At the very last, I'll encounter the computer Deep Thought, which will give me The Unsolveable Puzzle, which I will solve, creating a black hole with the same cataclysmic results as dividing by zero, whereupon both I, Deep Thought, and the entire area within a radius of 5 miles will all be drawn in, where I become dead to the world and disappear into The Umpth Dimension, where I shall live the rest of my days dispensing my knowledge of the universe to make the world a better place.