Posted November 20, 2016
high rated
Hey, everyone!
Some of you know me a little. Some of you know me very little. A few of you know me a bit more than that.
If you read this, you'll know me a bit more.
My partner has PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Really badly. We've been doing what we can to combat it and try and heal her, and well, it's a hard world to be in for some people, and she is one of them. She had an extreme PTSD episode about a week and a half ago and has gone on vacation to get away from all the stress and the incoming winter (the incoming winter is a huge issue, always, but the rest of life had become too much despite the weather.)
Part of her needing to get away from it all includes severing all contact with me. It's just too stressful to hear about things for her, to have me in the forefront of her mind distracts her focus from healing. I understand it, but it's really hard. We've got 2 sick ferrets and cats that are missing her like crazy and another ferret that is her special boy (who looks at me with eyes wondering where his mommy is to play with him - this is how bad things are, she knows that is how he'd be if she left, and it hurts her to know that, but she still HAD to leave), and me, missing her too...
We both know she needs to be elsewhere for any chance she can to get better, so, I'm here alone. My life is completely changed but I still am attempting to do the same things. And I don't know really where she is or what she is doing. She's in florida, with people I don't know who I can't be in contact with, and I don't know if when I'll hear from her. It could be months. It could be never. If what she needs is to start a completely new life for a chance of happiness, that is what I want for her and will be happy. but...
It's hard.
Today I woke up, missing her as I have been, really pretty down. The shock of the episode has worn off and now I'm just in traumatized recovery mode. So I woke up and did a couple things that needed done and try not to let sadness get too heavy too fast (it's good and healing to allow the sadness though, but I've got to temper it.)
And so I came to GOG.
Everyone, this community is special!!!!!!!! It has amazing and special people in it. Never doubt it.
I came to find PMs in my inbox from an extremely kind and generous person, not only making a giving gesture to me which means a lot, but they showed they care about things about me (about who and how I am and what I do.) Completely private and genuine, and really really special because it was just them and me. It made me feel good. I needed to feel good. Incredible and awesome!!
Please, person, forgive me for sharing this if you wished to not be heard about even to this degree, but I very much wanted to share what you did and how it affected me today.
Love and warmth need to be spread through this world. This helps that.
Thank you again, person! and
Thank you, GOG community,
for being there not just for fun distraction, but as a real community in the true sense of the word, despite all the hooooey that goes on here.
I love you all.
Some of you know me a little. Some of you know me very little. A few of you know me a bit more than that.
If you read this, you'll know me a bit more.
My partner has PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Really badly. We've been doing what we can to combat it and try and heal her, and well, it's a hard world to be in for some people, and she is one of them. She had an extreme PTSD episode about a week and a half ago and has gone on vacation to get away from all the stress and the incoming winter (the incoming winter is a huge issue, always, but the rest of life had become too much despite the weather.)
Part of her needing to get away from it all includes severing all contact with me. It's just too stressful to hear about things for her, to have me in the forefront of her mind distracts her focus from healing. I understand it, but it's really hard. We've got 2 sick ferrets and cats that are missing her like crazy and another ferret that is her special boy (who looks at me with eyes wondering where his mommy is to play with him - this is how bad things are, she knows that is how he'd be if she left, and it hurts her to know that, but she still HAD to leave), and me, missing her too...
We both know she needs to be elsewhere for any chance she can to get better, so, I'm here alone. My life is completely changed but I still am attempting to do the same things. And I don't know really where she is or what she is doing. She's in florida, with people I don't know who I can't be in contact with, and I don't know if when I'll hear from her. It could be months. It could be never. If what she needs is to start a completely new life for a chance of happiness, that is what I want for her and will be happy. but...
It's hard.
Today I woke up, missing her as I have been, really pretty down. The shock of the episode has worn off and now I'm just in traumatized recovery mode. So I woke up and did a couple things that needed done and try not to let sadness get too heavy too fast (it's good and healing to allow the sadness though, but I've got to temper it.)
And so I came to GOG.
Everyone, this community is special!!!!!!!! It has amazing and special people in it. Never doubt it.
I came to find PMs in my inbox from an extremely kind and generous person, not only making a giving gesture to me which means a lot, but they showed they care about things about me (about who and how I am and what I do.) Completely private and genuine, and really really special because it was just them and me. It made me feel good. I needed to feel good. Incredible and awesome!!
Please, person, forgive me for sharing this if you wished to not be heard about even to this degree, but I very much wanted to share what you did and how it affected me today.
Love and warmth need to be spread through this world. This helps that.
Thank you again, person! and
Thank you, GOG community,
for being there not just for fun distraction, but as a real community in the true sense of the word, despite all the hooooey that goes on here.
I love you all.