mc_leod: *stumbles trough the door backwards with two big bags which makes a clanking noise*
Murmurs, the best bars you'll always find by accident.
Hey there! I just brought me some of my famous ones to *ahem* assure its my brand.
- looks suspicious to stooners private reserves.
Of course youre invited as long as supplys last...
Aveweto: "your" brand sounds suspicious :P
Because of the sudden silence and the dribble on some faces:
im not an owner of a brewery...
just a patriot who really likes the beer from his homearea. But Im also not uninterested in new experiences.
Most of the time i prefer a beer brewed with bavarian purity law:
Best Spring water, hop, malt, yeast nothing more - neither additives nor colors and so on.
And finally that comes then to a Munich Augustiner, or a wheatbeer a Schneider.
Anyhow I had also already really good beer in Australia.