Elmofongo: Seriously what is up with the bitching of CGI? Your probably the same person that criticizes all movies with CGI. Even Guardians of the Galaxy is CGI up the wazoo and no one bats an eye :P
What if I told you there is good CGI and bad CGI, Neo? And that it can be used in moderation, or overused to the ridiculous extreme? You need not look any further for an example then the CGI Billy Connoly in Battle of Five Armies. Why in the hell is he all CGI?
The Hobbit movies simply look much worse than The LotR movies. I though so even watching the first one, which I did not yet hate. LotR looked great because of how the practical and the CG was used together.
And no, I do not criticize every movie with CGI (I just said in this thread I think Man of Steel is great, didn't I). But I do think practical effects and make-up usually end up looking better.
Elmofongo: Oh and Lord of the Rings movies always had that silly things. You say Legolas jumping on falling rocks I say Legolas singlehandedly took down an oliphaunt.
And guess what? I really dislike that scene in Return of the King. But there it is one scene, probably a minute long. In Hobbit? That is what every action/battle scene looks like. Only usually it's turned up to eleven.
Telika: This argument can easily be turned around. Fans of the games being even more wanting to see a faithful rendition of the game's story. It happens with fans of adapted books, screaming out when the story they wanted to see on the big screen has been butchered. They are familiar with the novel, they don't want a different story.
timppu: Could be, but let's take for example all those Batman games: should they try to closely follow the stories of the various Batman movies that have been released in recent years? (One may argue that the games are not based on the movies but the generic Batman series, but then it is not coincidence that they are pushing out both Batman movies and games at the same time.)
It's not a "one may argue", it's a fact. The time of release does not change that.
timppu: Or, should the Walking Dead games have tried to follow closely the characters and events of certain WD episodes or seasons?
You do realise there is a difference between an adaptation of a particular story, and various forms of spin-offs, don't you?
timppu: Or TRON 2.0, should it have closely followed the story of either the original TRON movie, or TRON: Legacy? Instead, it came up with a story (and characters) of its own.
TRON 2.0 came out years before Legacy, co it could hardly follow it's story. And it did not follow the story of the orginal, becasue it was it's sequel. Stop mixing things up like that. I never said The Empire Strikes Back should have the same story as A New Hope.