Posted March 30, 2015
Elmofongo: You fail to realize that I am one of the biggest defenders of the Hobbit Movies. Battle of Five Armies was awesome.
But sadly internet movie "critics" has painted a narrative that the Hobbit trilogy is now one of the "bad" movies like Pirates 2 and 3 and Spiderman 3 :P Or worse the Star Wars prequals.
Ungrateful is what I call them.
Breja: The second and third Hobbit movies are horrendous. The CGI is terrible, it's filled with stupid, silly action scene that have no place in any even half-serious movie, they change every important thing from the books, get almost every aspect of the original wrong. They are overlong, boring, make little to no sense due to butchering of the plot and the main character is pushed into the background to make room for a pointless love story with a terribly acted elven warrior princess. Oh, and Smaug lost his front legs in between the first and second movie, beacuse Jackson realised that was something he actually got right at first, so he changed it in hurry for the second film. But sadly internet movie "critics" has painted a narrative that the Hobbit trilogy is now one of the "bad" movies like Pirates 2 and 3 and Spiderman 3 :P Or worse the Star Wars prequals.
Ungrateful is what I call them.
Fuck those movies. I could go on for hours poining out every single thing wrong with them. In fact I have. I have probably wasted more time in various conversations explaining how those movies suck than I did watching them. That's how much I hate them.
They are worse than all those movies you mention, and many more, if only becasue they are not just terrible on their own, but also adaptation of a great book, and prequels to a great trilogy.
Seriously what is up with the bitching of CGI? Your probably the same person that criticizes all movies with CGI. Even Guardians of the Galaxy is CGI up the wazoo and no one bats an eye :P
Favorite scenes in Battle of Five Armies.
The Nazgul fight and Banishing Sauron scene.
Bilbo standing up against Thorin in the trade scene.
Thorin's realization.
Oh and Lord of the Rings movies always had that silly things. You say Legolas jumping on falling rocks I say Legolas singlehandedly took down an oliphaunt.