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Telika: Framing it like this (while we still have to see what concessions, symbolic or not, if any, will be made to syriza - on the debt relief front, for instance) has two functions : 1° Reminding all countries that rebelling leads to even worse punishment. 2° Informing the anti-austerity voters that Syriza is "even worse" than ND.

As said earlier, several observers speculated that the EU demands were purposefully harsh in order to have syriza break down either by failing the negociations or by strongly betraying their promises. As things seem to take this second direction, it's the narrative that is now being capitalized on.

There are reasons to be anxous about the outcome of this strategy. People won't necessarily turn to ND or Potami...
You must have missed the think-tank report (circulated around the time the Greece problem started) that a Greece under military dictatorship would be better for EU financial interests... since you'd have someone in power who could enforce reforms ;) If that is really the agenda behind this then Greece has already lost. Syriza plans on cutting defense spending... and remember that Greece has the 5th largest military in europe. by accident? or was this machined for this very purpose?

I still believe the EU will give zero concessions to Syriza, by walking out and doing that referendum Syriza probably planned on losing that via yes vote and give control to some new interim government without losing face, I don't think Syriza ever actually planned for winning the "no" vote. And I firmly believe the EU did plan for them to win the No vote, in fact I think the engagement for a YES was specifically so that the Greek people believe that is what the EU wanted. Remember, EU has their own think tanks and agendas, they can do geo political shenanigans like anyone else. But then that's just baseless conspiracy theory on my part... that EU politicians tried to influence the Referendum was a clear sign something was amiss. Usually that is absolutely taboo for EU politicians to engage in ANY national democratic actions. If *That* was the real agenda behind everything that happened since Syriza won, including canning varoufakis and this new offer, then I must say the EU is way more powerful and... cynically evil than I ever gave it credit for. I always thought of EU as a mentally unstable Alzheimer patient... but maybe these things are not mutually exclusive...

Just watched an interesting docu (partially) about the refugee situation at some Greek Islands, where refugees are basically marauding over the island, plundering and destroying stuff with no police or military help (they are looking for food!), the Greek people there are left to fend for themselves. For the record, what I saw definitely puts Greece on the same level as Albania or Serbia in terms of "absence of state control". To even contemplate extending this suffering with further debt.. is beyond absurd. Greece needs to gain proper control over it's islands, feed it's people

Greek people need hope and a vision for the future, they need to be able to feed themselves at the very least, to have access to medicine and water, electricity and gas/oil in the winter. And let's face it, whether in 50 years or now, the debt is lost. Let's face that head-on instead of prolonging it and raising the losses into the infinite.. but it doesn't seem that EU consensus goes in that direction. ;/

I didn't think the situation is THAT bad there. But that docu I saw basically showed a nation on the brink of total collapse. Pays off to watch obscure German TV channels at midnight I guess..
Post edited July 11, 2015 by eRe4s3r
Wow, from all the reports I'm seeing, the Greek government is basically capitulating to the demands of the troika. Unbelievable. Democracy isn't only dead here in the USofA, it's dead where it was originally born.

The people have spoken loud and clear twice, yet elected officials go in a direction different from their will. This is the new norm around the globe for so called "democracies" as elected officials now represent the interests of the few over the interests of the many.

Yet most of the many don't know, don't care, or just plain believe life is supposed to be this hard. It's hard not to feel that the many are getting what they mostly deserve when you see that. When voting doesn't work, it's time for the people to resort to other means to change the status quo. Most seem unwilling to go there. So perhaps they do deserve whatever this new world wide fascism brings with it.
Post edited July 11, 2015 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: Wow, from all the reports I'm seeing, the Greek government is basically capitulating to the demands of the troika. Unbelievable. Democracy isn't only dead here in the USofA, it's dead where it was originally born.

The people have spoken loud and clear twice, yet elected officials go in a direction different from their will. This is the new norm around the globe for so called "democracies" as elected officials now represent the interests of the few over the interests of the many.

Yet most of the many don't know, don't care, or just plain believe life is supposed to be this hard. It's hard not to feel that the many are getting what they mostly deserve when you see that. When voting doesn't work, it's time for the people to resort to other means to change the status quo. Most seem unwilling to go there. So perhaps they do deserve whatever this new world wide fascism brings with it.
Only way for it to happen is by revolution and inssurection. But than again the victors might end up being dictators.
OldFatGuy: Wow, from all the reports I'm seeing, the Greek government is basically capitulating to the demands of the troika. Unbelievable. Democracy isn't only dead here in the USofA, it's dead where it was originally born.

The people have spoken loud and clear twice, yet elected officials go in a direction different from their will. This is the new norm around the globe for so called "democracies" as elected officials now represent the interests of the few over the interests of the many.

Yet most of the many don't know, don't care, or just plain believe life is supposed to be this hard. It's hard not to feel that the many are getting what they mostly deserve when you see that. When voting doesn't work, it's time for the people to resort to other means to change the status quo. Most seem unwilling to go there. So perhaps they do deserve whatever this new world wide fascism brings with it.
It reminds me of a few years back when they put a Constitution to vote in the EU. It was voted down both times in a referendum, yet both times the head honchos at the EU just said, 'well we're moving ahead with it anyway.' If they're going to constantly ignore the democratic process, why even bother paying lip service to it?
OldFatGuy: Wow, from all the reports I'm seeing, the Greek government is basically capitulating to the demands of the troika. Unbelievable. Democracy isn't only dead here in the USofA, it's dead where it was originally born.

The people have spoken loud and clear twice, yet elected officials go in a direction different from their will. This is the new norm around the globe for so called "democracies" as elected officials now represent the interests of the few over the interests of the many.
The issue is that the Greek people haven't spoken loud and clear, or rather they've said they want completely contradictory things. With the referendum they voted that they didn't want to accept the bailout terms offered earlier by the rest of the EU (although those terms were already off the table at that point since the bailout had expired); however, opinion polls have shown they also want to remain on the Euro, and by just as large (if not larger) a margin with which they rejected the bailout terms. However, without another bailout Greece will default on ECB loans on July 20th, which will force them off the Euro (assuming their banking system doesn't collapse before then). EU leaders have also made it clear that they will not be agreeing to any further bailout unless Greece accepts the reforms that the Greek citizens just voted against. So what do the Greek citizens actually want? Do they want to continue rejecting the terms being offered? Or do they want to remain on the Euro? Because they can't have both.

Let's be perfectly clear about one thing here: an end to austerity was never an option to begin with. The only choice the Greeks have had before them is what brand of austerity they want to live with. They can accept the brand of austerity that the other EU leaders are offering in exchange for a bailout, or they can live with the brand of austerity that comes from the Greek government simply having run out of money (which will probably be much worse in the short-term, although the long term is a big unknown).
OldFatGuy: This is the new norm around the globe for so called "democracies" as elected officials now represent the interests of the few over the interests of the many.
I agree - though I'll reserve total judgement until the dust settles on what is final. However to reaffirm your point on this issue, from among the many proposals:

2. VAT reform
The new VAT system will: (i) unify the rates at a standard 23 percent rate, which will include restaurants and catering, and a reduced 13 percent rate for basic food, energy, hotels, and water (excluding sewage), and a super-reduced rate of 6 percent for pharmaceuticals, books, and theater...[almost universal increases]

3. Fiscal Structural Measures

Raise the corporate tax rate from 26% to 28% [i.e. No Austerity for Corporate Interests)

Announce international public tender for the acquisition of television licenses...

4. Pension reform

[lots of cutbacks, i.e. less demand in the economy]

8. Labour market
...legislation on a new system of collective bargaining should be ready by Q4 2015 [i.e. deny collective bargaining]

9. Product Market

Take irreversible steps (including announcement of date for submission of binding offers) to privatize the electricity transmission company, ADMIE...

On electricity markets, the authorities will reform the capacity payments system and other electricity market rules to avoid that some plants are forced to operate below their variable cost...[i.e. serve profit over people]

10. Privatization

To facilitate the completion of the tenders, the authorities will complete all government pending actions including those needed for the regional airports, TRAINOSE, Egnatia, the ports of Pireaus and Thessaloniki and Hellinikon (precise list in Technical Memorandum).

The government will transfer the state's shares in OTE [the phone company] to the HRADF.

Take irreversible steps for the sale of the regional airports at the current terms with the winning bidder already selected.
Trilarion: If there are different possible ways they should let the debtor decide which to follow. If there is only one way... there is only one way.
Except there are other ways, as was supported by and [url=]others. It's simply the case that the bankers have Greece over a barrel and will exploit every inch they can as a warning to other nations.

I hadn't focused on reading your posts before, as you were mostly engaging with Telika. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt until you quoted me and followed by posting this:

Trilarion: In the end [the IMF] just know empirically and from best practise approaches, what works and what not, and as unideologically as possible negotiate a viable path for the future.
^ I find this absurdly naive and unquestioning. The IMF much like the other large financial institutions push Laissez-faire capitalism - the Greek proposals being a perfectly fine example of this in action (see highlights above). Even Stiglitz, former top brass at the World Bank criticizes the IMF as serving the interests and ideology of Western finance.

xSinghx: ...Also your characterization of Greek debt as simply irresponsible spending, is exactly as the establishment would want you to do, since it ignores all of the maleficence on the part of the banks. This is gangster capitalism, a war of economics in which the public is hostage and the prize if not are the public goods that can be privatized (i.e. [url=]class warfare). ...
Trilarion: Sure the banks gave them the credit (speculating on a EU bailout in case something goes wrong) and that's why the banks should have contributed more to the haircut of 2012 ... much, much more.
Well at least you're not totally blind.

Trilarion: But apart from that you really cannot make the banks reponsible for the irresponsible behavior of the Greek governments of the last 20 years. The banks haven't lured Greece into a debt trap, the Greeks have done that themselves by spending money which was not their own, the banks only supported that behavior.

Greece was like the addicted drinker and the banks like the alcohol shops. Call me an old school moralist by I rather think it is the fault of the guy who cannot control his consumption than the fault of the shop selling the booze.
Your morals need some questioning. Telika has already pointed out the double standards of your bartender among EU nations but really this was gone over 10 pages prior by both of us:

Telika: there has been a strong populist campaign against greece, simplifying the economic issue, putting all its responsability on some "greek mentality" thing
xSinghx: It seems many aren't exactly hip to the game of capitalism. Money buys influence in politics, those parties then reward capital interests with government spending and deregulation before crisis occurs to which political cover is given for the necessity of bailing out said capitalist interests while at the same time providing a popular narrative and support for cutting social spending. (Win/Win for the capitalist.) Two wars and a housing collapse here in the US may be a different scenario but the narrative is nearly the identical.
Trilarion: I just don't buy the story that the banks bought everyone in Greece to earn some billions of interest and then trusting on the inevitable bailout of the EU. This seems too strange. xSinghx just made that up and it is too far fetched.
I don't buy that straw man either because that's not what I said. Read my quote above more carefully. If you need more detail on how this works, indulge yourself.

Telika: So, according to the ever adorable Schäuble, Debt is not sustainable without a restructuration but a restructuration would be illegal therefore fuck that.

The cynicism of these assholes....
Trilarion: RACISM! (;))

The expression is clearly racist (in the extended cultural definition...
Sigh. This joke is in poor taste as it lightens the actions of others in this thread that have very much acted in a racist fashion. It's also the easy thing to do, to be thoughtless or act without empathy towards others.
Post edited July 11, 2015 by xSinghx
DarrkPhoenix: The issue is that the Greek people haven't spoken loud and clear, or rather they've said they want completely contradictory things.
Yes, they have spoken loud and clear, and no, they haven't said they want contradictory things. That the troika (and you it seems) insist these are contradictory things doesn't make them so.

The Greek people have said twice now NO to more austerity. They have said so resoundingly. That many would like to stay in the euro may be true, but not if that means more austerity. They have said loud and clear now twice NO to more austerity. The thing that should happen is the debts should be written off as bad debts. That the troika (and maybe you) don't see that as a possibility doesn't mean the Greek people don't see it that way. The debts were the result of corrupt politicians in bed with corrupt banksters and the Greek people are (rightfully) tired of living with the consequences of something they had nothing to do with.

No, the people have been pretty clear and consistent. No. More. Austerity. Period. Sure it would be nice to remain in the euro, and in the EU, but NO. MORE. AUSTERITY. PERIOD. That doesn't have to be contradictory because the old debts could be written off and new aid given to jump start the economy without leaving the euro. Obviously that's not likely since, you know, the ones calling the shot on the other side steadfastly refuse to even consider such a "radical" thing, but there is nothing wrong with the Greek people demanding or desiring such a thing, even if there is no chance of it occurring.
OldFatGuy: That doesn't have to be contradictory because the old debts could be written off and new aid given
I really didn't want to jump in on this but I have to ask, since a substantial number of your posts seem reasonable - how does this happen, do you suppose? What situation allows a country to say "Hey. You remember that time you gave me ten billion bucks and I said I'd pay it back? Good times. Heh. Yeah, so...can I get a few billion? I'm not gonna pay that first bit back but this other bit, I'll probably pay it back. At least I'll try for a while. We cool?"

Because nations have credit ratings, credit ratings tank on defaults, and nations with terrible credit don't get loans. As long as Greece stays in the Euro, the ECB has a pretty strong case for trying to keep things afloat since hundreds of millions of Europeans would suffer if the Euro tanked abruptly. But I don't see a situation where, despite the protests of "the people", you write off those debts and then get new loans. At least not in a fashion timely enough for the people who get to experience hyperinflation. (hyperbolic reference: Zimbabwe)

[url= Because I didn't want to fuckin' Godwin myself out of an economics discussion by mentioning the Weimar Republic's hyperinflation and have someone start talking about ol' unfunny Charlie Chaplin Sr. Christ.][/url]
DarrkPhoenix: snip

Let's be perfectly clear about one thing here: an end to austerity was never an option to begin with. The only choice the Greeks have had before them is what brand of austerity they want to live with. They can accept the brand of austerity that the other EU leaders are offering in exchange for a bailout, or they can live with the brand of austerity that comes from the Greek government simply having run out of money ...
Quoted for truth.

I think it was Starmaker said earlier in the thread: you save in the good times, to spend in the bad times. Which is very biblical actually ;) but anyway, the point is: no one saved during in the good times. There is no safety net...

Greek "leadership" is facing the obvious, choosing to surrender raher than sacrifce. How courageous (and it might just be suicide in slow motion anyway). As I said earlier in the thread, this was no decision being made, this was a decision reached, inevitably and inexorably. Power speaks in geopolitics, nothing else. Anyone thinking Greece has any power in this situation is deluded. Or rather, they have the power to cut their nose to spite their face. All the while saying they are sticking it to the man. So much pathos...

I don't find this situation satisfying at all. What is happenign with Greece is a prelude to what is due to happen to all of us eventually, as the financial systems are identical and the debt economies are global. There is no safety net, and if you're my age and believe you will receive any retirement pensions... I got some land to sell you.
OneFiercePuppy: snip
Ah! But money nowadays is virtual and hugely devalued versus actual assets. Ctrl+C Ctrl+P applied to billions and billions... probably via macro even. You just need to look at inflation adjusted 100 year graphs to see this very clearly.

So what happens is that in the search for high(er) returns on investment, in a world of low interest rates, the expectation of rebound from a default position means a lot of folks are just waiting to jump in and throw money at risky high growth prospects. To get more money. So you buy the chest keys, to get some hats, to sell for money, to buy more keys...

Kind of like buying a lottery ticket... cos what else you going to do with the money? :)
Post edited July 11, 2015 by Brasas
Brasas: I got some land to sell you.
If it doesn't have some bridges, then that's a lousy offer.
Varoufakis's piece in the Guardian:

Worth a read.

Brasas: There is no safety net, and if you're my age and believe you will receive any retirement pensions... I got some land to sell you.
So what is this, your call to apathy and individualism? An appeal to the status quo.
Post edited July 11, 2015 by xSinghx
eRe4s3r: You must have missed the think-tank report (circulated around the time the Greece problem started) that a Greece under military dictatorship would be better for EU financial interests... since you'd have someone in power who could enforce reforms ;) If that is really the agenda behind this then Greece has already lost. Syriza plans on cutting defense spending...
Uhm... You won't have a military coup in the middle of the EU. Greece's army does funny stuff? Greece is out of everything (EU, Euro, NATO) immediately. IMF, ECB and the Euro members wouldn't even talk about Greece's debts with an illegal, military regime (it's Greece's debt and not the debt of some random guy who took the country by force). The only things they'd do is to offer Syriza political asylum, embrace every Greek who escapes his country and sanction the shit out of the military regime.

eRe4s3r: and remember that Greece has the 5th largest military in europe. by accident? or was this machined for this very purpose?
They have a strong military because of their "awesome" relationship with their neighboors. Just imagine you'd have a house with a small garden. Now your neighbour comes and occupies a part of your garden, threatening to kill you if you put a foot on HIS property (your garden). Oh, and the police doesn't help you! The only thing they do is to tell you that you can't take back your garden, because you hav to be friends with your neighbour. What would you do? I'd invest in a pretty nasty, electrical fence. That's what Greece did too.
xSinghx: snip

So what is this, your call to apathy and individualism? An appeal to the status quo.
Must it be an appeal or a call? Spoken like a true activist comrade :)

Since you're so confused (or rather, willing to attribute intent according to your ideological bias) my authorial intent is: everyone should see things as they are, in order to better achieve change (leftwards, rightwards, frontwards or backwards). Achieving your goals despite misreading reality is just luck, and equivalent to building on sand: fragile.

What you spin as apathy and individualism I could spin as tolerance and responsibility. And before you take my reply personally (comrade rhetoric and implying your political ideological bias) consider you addressed me. Unless you're an hypocrite your recent reply to Trilarion means open season on you, right?

And I did answer your question, albeit I suspect it was rhetorical and you didn't actually care for the answer. ;)


Me: Open your eyes! See what's in front of you!
You: Why are you calling for the status quo?

How funny, and all for pointing facts you find unconfortable: there is no free lunch. And you know it, hence your politics. Typical, try to empower via the truth, and get accused implicitlly of being regressive.
Brasas: Typical, try to empower via the truth, and get accused implicitlly of being regressive.
You keep saying the same thing. Again and again. You're so recursive, Brasas.

You're so You're so recrecursiveursive

Shit, I got stuck.
Anybody read this book

The Full Catastrophe: Travels Among the New Greek Ruins?


It was on Kindle Store yesterday but its not there today, but you can buy the paper version (/scratches head and looks puzzled)

A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece’s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today

In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe’s decades-old project of forging a closer union.

In The Full Catastrophe, James Angelos makes sense of contrasting images of Greece, a nation both romanticized for its classical past and castigated for its dysfunctional present. With vivid character-driven narratives and engaging reporting that offers an immersive sense of place, he brings to life some of the causes of the country’s financial collapse, and examines the changes, some hopeful and others deeply worrisome, emerging in its aftermath. A small rebellion against tax authorities breaks out on a normally serene Aegean island. A mayor from a bucolic, northern Greek village is gunned down by the municipal treasurer. An aging, leftist hero of the Second World War fights to win compensation from Germany for the wartime occupation. A once marginal group of neo-Nazis rises to political prominence out of a ramshackle Athens neighborhood.

The Full Catastrophe goes beyond the transient coverage in the daily headlines to deliver an enduring and absorbing portrait of modern Greece
Post edited July 11, 2015 by Riotact