Posted April 07, 2016
Arinielle: Wut. It's been about two years or something with GamerGate... that's not a few years of GG-inspired.
But I guess y'all just can't stand not having your boogie man, eh? Have to rewrite history to make sure we're there to blame.
Gilozard: 2 years is years of of people using the GG flag (2 > 1). So yeah, it's been years. But I guess y'all just can't stand not having your boogie man, eh? Have to rewrite history to make sure we're there to blame.
Also, I definitely ran into people who used the same tactics, for the same reasons, congregated in the same places and were very likely the same people, before the Anita Sarkesian/DepressionQuestDev harassment got the GG name started.
I think that's part of the problem - women and minorities have had actual lifetimes of having to wade through a ton of crap to try and enjoy their hobby, and their cup of rage is running over. I can easily see how someone who wasn't dealing with that would be blindsided by the anger the status quo had produced. But reacting like spoiled children to it was not the right way to handle things.