Posted March 27, 2016
Keldroc: "Persistent courting" is the definition of harassment, regardless of the outcome. Yes, sometimes harassing someone will get you what you want. That doesn't make it a good idea or an acceptable behavior.
Djaron: and what about puppeting/manipulating target's friends so they act as your personal army to speak to target on your behalf anddrive target into dating you ? doest it falls in what you call either "persistent courting" or "harassement" ?
i ask about it to such an expert as you are, as i felt victim for such trick because of someone who tricked my friends into pressuring me to date this someone
i dont call that harassement, i call that sick and disgusting selfish manipulating scam ! and i only figured out the whole stuff afterwards
what should i ever expect from soneone that is ready to go that far to chase after personal little selfish delusion dreams/fantasy/wants ? (without second thought to the target except for reducing it to a simple object or token of one's own fantasies)
since then i never let anyone getting close to me in fear of being tricked a second time because as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"
since last two decades i had been fortifying my life against any intrusion or siege attempt and now i accepted the idea of dying alone and unmissed. Because it's too late to undo it and go backwards.
don't BS me with your little "persistent courting is rape" thing ok ?
Secondly what happened to you is also horrible for the exact same reason; it's pressure that ultimately ignores what the person wants. You didn't want to date this person, but people pressured you into doing so; that's fucked up. Likewise, it's also fucked up if you keep trying to force yourself on to someone when they do not want you.