Klumpen0815: Seeing how the probably most active downrepper (at least in the past) is advertising the removal of this function boggles my mind.
Vainamoinen: That's your automatic confusion that always comes up when the prejudice you base your theories on is challenged by contradictory evidence. That way, you preserve your prejudice and the perceived integrity of the evidently faulty if not disproven base theory. No particular relation to gamergate – unfortunately. The Cologne thread was full to the brim with that kind of prejudice preserving confusion.
There is no "confusion", I simply think that you're a hypocrite.
Look, this contradiction I mentioned leads to two possible conclusions
A: You didn't vote down people all the time regardless of everything that indicated it
or B: Your talk and your actions are contradictory because principles are not the driving force of your actions and the end probably justifies the means for you.
Seeing how you have proven your dishonesty already (with the made up quotation of RWarehall for example, which was extremely low) I still go with B in this case.
Funny how the one that most narrow mindedly keeps his prejudices (towards GamerGate as one example of many) at all costs due to his ideology is accusing others of repeated prejudice preserving.
In the last few weeks I have gotten the points for new posts per day and high rated posts again without seeing them going down again immediately which has been happening for a very long time since I had my first discussion here in this thread. Now Vainamoinen is back and "bam" it's happening again.
Vainamoinen: Downvotes need to go, entirely.
Exactly, so that people whose ideology (pc-culture for example) is filling them with intolerance and hatred aren't tempted to use it as well as to take away the candy from the downrep trolls.
Vainamoinen: Disclaimer: I have asked some friends in other forums to vote in this poll if they're interested in making GOG a more welcoming place. These are primarily game studio forums the devs of which have been hit hardest by gamergate (because they spoke out most strongly against gamergate and/or have published games that visibly considered inclusion and diversity) and consequently what you'll find there are community members most opposed to gamergate.
Those are the votes your wish is getting right now.
I knew that you brought your hive and you can't tell me, that none of those is voting people down here.
Why would you invite people here that are no customers on Gog? To back you up because you need to make war everywhere.
SeduceMePlz: I suspect his support now has mostly to do with realizing that he is on the losing side of the rep war.
Vainamoinen: Sure, why not. The 'rep war' is fought and won by downvote trolls, and even though you weren't aware just now, you're heavily implying on what 'side' those trolls are most found. I haven't really posted anywhere for two weeks and saw my rep going down daily. Some gamergate related guy who shall remain unnamed here has, in the last month, collected almost 200 rep without really posting anywhere sensibly.
Could you please try to be honest once? Stop hinting at things and speak out freely.
Surprise me in a positive way, I'm always open for it.
Vainamoinen: And THEN, you can look forward to seeing me in this thread again. You wanted that balanced discussion stuff, right?
Stop with the false promises already, you won't stay away and didn't the last few dozen times you said you would, because you have to spread your constant toxicity.
That said, at least we agree when it comes to getting rid of this downrep function.