Posted November 20, 2015
low rated

The short story is he got fired for saying a variation of the first amendment, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
Problem is freedom of speech only protect him from Government persecution, the general public and private institutions can do whatever the they want provided it doesn't break the law. Moral and Ethics is not required. A business institution can fire an employee if said employee action may harm the company business.
I had been in a conflicting mind what to blame for this issue. Josh for bring up a variation of the First Amendment? The company for wanting to protecting their business? The masses for exercising their right of the First Amendment saying what they think?
Or there's nothing to blame at all, as the current law works for most people and is the best people can do to come to an equilibrium, changing that will trample the rights of the majority of people and companies. One or two sacrifices have to be made for the good of the majority?

I know the system is not perfect, but I think no censorship unless it break the law / doxx / death mail is better then that.
Deserved to be listen is not same as deserved to be followed. People can say whatever they want as their right, but its up to the criticism of others. If the majority humanity intelligence is worth something, statements that is illogical will not be followed, or when hitting a brick wall by following the statement, the majority of humanity will learn to turn back.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Gnostic