Shadowstalker16: Goodish news on the Lizzyf620 thing; they're pursuing legal action against The Escapist. So the case will be decided based on all the evidence. If the courts find her guilty it would set a precedent for bad journalism which will probably be used liberally until someone disproves it and if the piece was fair, we can have a court decision saying so.
EDIT: hedwards: This is rather interesting, the letter itself has a lot of information left out of it that would be relevant to forming an opinion. Without more information, it's hard to know if those are legitimate hires or token minorities in case something like this comes up.
But, given that they're threatening a lawsuit, I'm guessing that it's more than a token amount of employees and that they're comfortable having them called as witnesses.
So, who knows.
OTOH, this is a bit of a diversion from their own problems.
Jonesy89: Firstly, these things aren't dildos or sex toys, as someone else has already pointed; they are devices that serve to provide psychological assistance for trans people who are experiencing discomfort with their bodies, as well as (depending on the model, from what I can tell) allowing someone without a penis to be better able to pee while standing. Their existence isn't indicative of intent to sexually abuse kids.
Secondly, and most importantly, I've checked the link provided and the article it links to, and I feel exceedingly secure in calling bullshit on that rambling diatribe after the link. Both of the articles are solely about the fact that packers exist. That's it. There is not so much as a single suggestion that I can find that children should be taken out of their homes in the fashion you have described, let alone that they will be taken out of the home in order to be sexually abused as some sort of fucked up 'recruitment' effort.
This is baseless fearmongering which is sadly all too familiar as it is the sort of rubbish about 'the gays' coming to molest kids to make them gay that was thrown around when gay people started having the gall to demand that society stop screwing them over and to maybe give them the same civil rights as everyone else. The fact that this kind of cracked out 'sjw' conspiracy theory bollocks is what this thread inevitably keeps coming back to is doing nothing to help GG's image, and is doing everything to reinforce just how awful it looks to everyone else.
hedwards: You're right, these aren't sex toys. But, 4 year olds have a pretty limited sense of sex and gender to begin with. Introducing these things into the environment runs the risk of causing more harm than good. How does a child explain to the other children if it pops out on the playground?
Also, this is a rather impressionable age for children, it's easy to accidentally push a child in the direction of thinking they're trans when the child might just be a tomboy or effeminate and more in need of toys and clothing that are more appropriate to that than prosthetic genitalia.
I was bathing with female friends at that age and there was nothing about it that seemed weird. The actual body differences between a 4 year old boy and a 4 year old girl are pretty much just genitals and in most cases children don't even ascribe importance to that.
This. This is exactly my worry.
HiPhish: You're right, these are not sex toys, but let's be honest, the biggest market for these things will be pedophiles who will be using them as sex toys. And that's not even going into whether teaching little children about sexuality and getting to doubt their identity from the start will mess them up for the rest of their lives. It's like the story of
David Reimer all over again.
And while it may sound like paranoia, the pedo lobby is real, they are just more shy about it for now. You can already see the push for pedo acceptance coming from SJW outlets: They are painting pedophiles as the victims of society, like not all pedophiles are child molesters. That's technically correct, but it's the same slippery slope as what the gay lobby has been using for decades. And no, the slippery slope is not a fallacy, it's real. It started out as not attacking people for being gay, and I think that's fair enough, everyone can get behind that. But now we have gay traffic lights and crosswalks. Just WFT, I'm even not joking.
I agree. But SJWs don't even understand the David Reimer case. It is the absolute proof that gender is not a social construct and that making your child trans (Something some SJWs want to do) is a depraved act.