SusurrusParadox: Gender
is a social construct.
Learn 2 Sociology.
(Also it's kind of irrelevant what you call it, but the things that 'rape culture' refers to definitely exist.)
Rusty_Gunn: 1: I'd say it's a biological construct to have a "pillar" or a "hole" personally.
2: "Rape cultures" do exist
BUT they're prevalent in prisons & countries that "third wavers" don't really seem to acknowledge, not in mainstream America
Please check your sources
Did you know:
The brain is the organ that determines gender!
ie: Not genitalia.
See Also:
Then you aren't paying attention.
Neither to feminists or the USA.
SusurrusParadox: Gender
is a social construct.
Learn 2 Sociology.
(Also it's kind of irrelevant what you call it, but the things that 'rape culture' refers to definitely exist.)
Shadowstalker16: Then how are people born with the wrong gender? Surely there isn't the white supremacist capitalist sexist patriarchy in the womb? Or does
internalizing misogyny and patriarchy literally mean what it does and it affects the baby?
Anyhow, the b8 isn't too strong with this one. Poor b8 m8 -3 / 8.
Oh, that's easy.
Gender is a social construct, but that doesn't make it 'less real'.
See, there are two components:
There's the neurological base, and then there're gender roles/performance.
The former is how someone truly feels, & the latter is how that is expressed.
The latter varies between cultures, but the former should (in theory) be relatively stable.
(Which, if one were to assess the various cultures and diverse genders across the world, would appear to hold true.
The non-binary genders tend to fall into specific subgroups that one can identify similarities between.
The distinction is in the sociocultural roles and behaviours considered 'appropriate' for the various genders, not dissimilar to those assigned to masculine/feminine.)
Rusty_Gunn: Indeed, they'd rather attack a scientist over a silly shirt (while saying they can wear whatever they want) than call attention to the women in other countries that are still fighting for the equality that they themselves have.
Did you know:
Most people can hold more than one opinion!
It seems as though it may be difficult for you (given the quoted lines), but I assure you it is possible to take multiple actions in accordance with the aforementioned multiple opinions on things.