To your last: I must have done it by accident, because I'm witless... in reality, you're doing a fine job at pulling the spotlight on your attitudes and character yourself. I'm just helping you along the way... I told you I distrust your motivation from the very first... so far seems prescient as you're unwilling or unable to have the debate on substance you claim to desire. That door remains open however, provocations notwithstanding.
I already suggested you re-read our dialogue. Others insults are not my responsibility...
Your first reply to me was a one liner non sequitur. You also defended yourself from my distrust.
Fair enough I thought, and tried to get you to correct the non sequitur.
You still missed the point, and implied an alternative argumentation.
Would be ok, if not for all the posts you exchanged with others before I replied. So I then pointed you seemed disingenuous and justified by pointing your elisions with me contradicted what you were telling others. I did that while restating and clarifying my points at the object level and the principles level. I even praised your civility...
So of course your reply was filled with incivility... which I pointed out, listed it, as you correctly noticed. And now you cry about me being mean?
I don't know for sure nor do I much care if you're so thin skinned you can't accept rubbing elbows, or if you indeed are a troll alt having some fun. It's like you don't realise no one is forcing you here. You jumped in of your own volition and chose the tone and approach yourself.
Here's the last open door I'm giving you if you chill out enough:
What is your larger argument? I have asked you to provide closure on the object level (Patreon), but I also offered the underlying principles... and you didn't even counter them.
Meaninglessly general is how you put it... well, disagreeing with me is not an alternative thesis...