Posted June 21, 2015

My point was that I don't even bother to refute every and each antiGG's argument, because it is not worth it. The "factual" accusations about sexism, racism, violence and so on in games (including last news from E3) boils down to "It is wrong in the gameworld because it would be unacceptable for us in the real world". This premise is in my opinion faulty on at least three levels:
1. allowing only the expressions that appease them is direct threat for freedom of speech - something too dear to me to be given up easily
2. it seems they are not aware of the difference between fiction and reality - how could I discuss seriously with them?
3. if they really can not bear the fact that the things they don't like exist in the real world, they probably need to learn how to cope with reality; seriously. World was not tailored to be comfortable place; sometimes is even horribly cruel and unfair, but THIS fact cannot be changed; we must live with it.
If the basic premise is "off" it's irrelevant how accurate are the folowing arguments. If for example Deus Ex developer team was actually completely white, would it make the complaint about "mechanical apartheid" less ridiculous? Discussing those claims for factual accuracy is playing by their rules; it seems like we silently accept that "white people would definitely mistreat non-whites, every time" as proven truth.
Bonus points for AMD people for showing wit, something that is seriously missing in the whole affair.
Another is the assumption is that sexy=un-respectable; objectification=bad. Most languages work in a way where the the object being acted upon is well; an object. ''Objectification'' itself has no real meaning outside of radical gender politics and is basically just using grammar to prove 2+3=7. The INTOLERANT principle that a woman can't be sexy AND interesting, strong etc is a hardline conservative idea which looks down on women and what they're capable of.
Same with MacIntosh saying introverted / detached / cold is a bad thing. If his looneyspeech is taken to task, every VG character will be Spongebob.
Even the very basic ideas and thought processes these idiots use to form their theories are intolerant and more exclusive than what they're claiming gaming is or ''was''.
Getting closer to authoritarian censorship by the day. Next they'll be banning ''hateful speech''; which is everything proGG of course.