Vestin: This is an EXTREMELY dangerous trap to fall into, no matter how STUPID and HEARTLESS it may sound every step of the way. If you are *really* adamant about supporting something, you WILL be tempted to take shortcuts. It takes enormous restraint not to lose oneself even a bit in the fervor. This is something we all need to keep in mind; as part of #gamergate, but also every step of the way in life.
That's really good advice :)
RWarehall: It reminds me of some of the extreme religious right in the US. The ones that protest outside abortion clinics because killing a child is wrong, but then support blowing up the clinics or killing the abortion workers. I guess the commandment reads "Thou Shalt Not Kill Unless You Have a Good Reason".
I heard someone explain it once. In the original language it says not to "murder" rather than not to "kill" and murder is defined as unjustified killing, so it's not necessarily forbidden to kill (like self-defense).
The people who act like you described also tend to be the people who take the Bible extremely literally and will hinge an entire movement on the definition of a single word (to the extent of researching it in the original language and how it was used at the time), so they probably don't see any contradiction (in their minds it isn't murder but rather defense of babies so it doesn't violate the commandment).
So yeah, that's my best attempt to explain it. I still think it's hypocritical though.