Posted March 26, 2015
because he didn't like that Anita had tweeted that there must be something fundamentally wrong with the way that masculinity is expressed in our society that makes this sort of thing happen
It's not that I can't see why she got some people's backs up by saying that but it seemed a little one sided to not remind everyone of the sheer scale of the misogynistic hate, not just from Rodger himself but from some of the Incels who backed him and blamed society for his deeds that she was saying it in the face of.
While dragonbeast brought up IS and Al-Queda here:
Saying that ooh - you'd blame masculinity for Rodger but you wouldn't blame Islam for IS
And I said, coincidentally that, reading that Incel extremist's rant it did remind me of something a 'Radicalised' Muslim would post right before shipping off to Syria to sign up and help create the society of his wet dreams, so there's a 'masculinity' angle to ISIS too
But you're right in that I am allowing others to lead me Off Topic, I kind of lost sense of where I found myself trying to lead the thread and why, myself to be honest! So sorry about that at least!
I never meant to do any 'taring everyone with the same brush' type business though, and having had the accusation made against me I will take any further cries against anyone else with an even bigger pinch of salt than before...
That sounds profoundly hypocritical and dishonest to me.
And sorry again... But... are you really giving credit to these "toxic men and masculinity" "men are killers" Sarkeesian tweets ? These are down right wrong and you magically transform that in "Ooh, Tza didn't like it" ?
You then personnally put murdering misogynists maniacs views, crazy rad-MRA views and the average expression of masculinity in our society on the same level... and then talk about being one-sided ?
Good lord. I don't have words.
Post edited March 26, 2015 by Tza