tremere110: It is definately political. It's the far left attacking the moderate left while the right swoops in to find new allies among the recently disenfranchised.
Sorry, your plutocracy doesn't even have a 'left', certainly not a 'far left'. What happens within this extremely narrow all right wing political spectrum, or what is described from the lens of that extremely narrow political spectrum, or any kind of infighting within this system, is certainly none of my concern, I'm very sorry.
Individual, international developer, academic, journalist, feminist and consumer
stances on diversity in video games are attacked and viewed together as
attacks or
insults by a single group, nay, a single person,
THE social justice warrior, in order to serve as a better reason for running amok. That's the thing that keeps gamergate going, that epic smokescreen.
Pressing a narrow political belief system on elementary motifs in storytelling, which in one form or another have been with us since the ancient Greeks, is gamergate's excuse number one to go to war. Then there's the desperate attempt at finding 'collusion' everywhere. Witch hunt 101.
Yes, I find everyone going with the SJW conspiracy bullshit to be a person devoid of intelligence, or especially vicious, or both.
Gersen: You really have a very weird and flawed definition of "extreme" and "hate", the new names on your list gets more ridiculous with every new version, now you have even added Adrian Chmielarz to that list too :)
Calling a video game critic out as a "charlatan",
as a developer, is extreme, no damn doubt about it. Chmielarz is firmly on an opportunist side of this. But Chmielarz makes games that gamergate people like Davis Aurini hate to the core, calling games that focus 'too much' on storytelling to be acts of parasite SJW, a mockery of the art of gaming. Chmielarz' pandering to gg will bite him in the ass eventually, I am very sure of it.
As to his three part strawman evaluations of video game criticsm, yawn. His basic position is that Sarkeesian says games were bad and essentially unplayable if they contained the damsel trope. Guy didn't pay attention.
Should the day come when GG wants him to bite the dust, make sure to look up the video of his 'holy grail of storytelling' video with that image in which the player is portrayed
as a chimp pretending to play with handpuppets that are actually controlled by the game developer. GG gamers love that stuff. They get all nicely
insulted by that.