Brasas: Sure... because ethics are universal right? It can't be we actually disagree on substance whether social activism, radical feminism, mission journalism, socialism - are or not ethical, be it in whole or part.
Of course not. ;) We're
soo evil for disagreeing politically. What is that called again? Oh right, demonization, dehumanization, contempt... How fucking
admirable you are. Let's all give you a round of applause...
TullyFernado: There's that rich, thick irony again. It's amazing to behold.
Well as far as I was able to follow the discussion, it started with:
"You journalists are corrupt, you are a clique promoting games of your friends and injecting political views in reviews! Look at the Zoe Quinn incident or the mailing list and google hangouts where you coordinate what each one is writing about a game etc ".
"No we are not, you only say that because she is a woman. And you have a problem with women in gaming! You are misogynistic that has to stop."
"I do not care which gender, I give a fuck about that! Stop being corrupt."
"So you are saying, you do not care. Hmm that is a very misogynistic view, as there are only very few women in the gaming industry and represented in games as heroes they would need your support, but you do not care: Misogynist. Because equal rights you know."
"This is about being corrupt and ethics in journalism, not about equal rights for women. Hell, we are talking about computer games."
"So you are denying women their equal rights in gaming, ts ts. How can you be so misogynistic. Furthermore games are only made for white supremacists, that has to change! Games have to widen their audience they are for."
"Where did you get that from?"
"Last week I played a game, well two games and the main hero was white and a man. That has to stop."
"Two games? This is hardly representative!"
"Well it exists and that has to stop."
"This is about your clique of so called blogger journalists writing biased and political reviews, not about computer games."
"So you denying the facts the games are racist and misogynistic? So you are not only misogynistic, you are also a racist."
and so is just hilarious.