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Emob78: We're all Americans... or so they said after 911. Over hyped concept, if ya ask me.
Novotnus: Aren't we all Poles?
Well, I am half Polish.

And I'm built like a freaking munchkin as a result. Stupid genetics. Has nothing to do with me eating too much junk food. Not at all...
jefequeso: Well, I am half Polish.
And I'm built like a freaking munchkin as a result.
That's because you're only half Polish.
low rated
Shadowstalker16: it seems he doesn't seem anti-consumer; which is what we're worried about in the first place.
"Actually, it's about..."
Anyhow, for the sake of current events, I distinctly seem to recall his Dragon Age video where he sarcastically satires the alleged pushing of LGBTQ inclusion by SJWs in DA:I.
"...woops, nevermind."

Please, 90% of even this thread has nothing to do with actual "ethics in gaming journalism" (especially considering most of ya'll don't know what ethics or journalism mean) or "consumer rights." It's overtly bashing women, feminists, and so-called "SJWs." Get real.

(And no, TB is not neutral, any more than FOX News is toward the Tea Party.)
TullyFernado: snip
Sure... because ethics are universal right? It can't be we actually disagree on substance whether social activism, radical feminism, mission journalism, socialism - are or not ethical, be it in whole or part.

Of course not. ;) We're soo evil for disagreeing politically. What is that called again? Oh right, demonization, dehumanization, contempt... How fucking admirable you are. Let's all give you a round of applause...
low rated
Brasas: Sure... because ethics are universal right? It can't be we actually disagree on substance whether social activism, radical feminism, mission journalism, socialism - are or not ethical, be it in whole or part.

Of course not. ;) We're soo evil for disagreeing politically. What is that called again? Oh right, demonization, dehumanization, contempt... How fucking admirable you are. Let's all give you a round of applause...
There's that rich, thick irony again. It's amazing to behold.
TullyFernado: (And no, TB is not neutral, any more than FOX News is toward the Tea Party.)
Well, why would anybody (in their right mind) side with someone that seem to hate them for existing (without something worse to fight)?

it's an example showing how the SJWs make their enemies so well. they polarize people against them like #zerobiscuit
more about it
#ZeroBiscuit and Exclusionist Behaviour by Sargon of Akkad
Post edited February 01, 2015 by Rusty_Gunn
TullyFernado: snip
Nope, only projection on your part. I don't think I'm better than you. I tolerate you. I accept your freedom to disagree with me and to offend me. I don't think my ethics should be imposed on you.

There's no irony, only rhetoric... You on the other hand seem to be quite the hypocrite.

By the way, have you noticed how assuming irony instead of hypocrisy aligns perfectly to my reading of you? You can't even give your opponents the credit for being aware of the contradiction you are imagining.
Brasas: Sure... because ethics are universal right? It can't be we actually disagree on substance whether social activism, radical feminism, mission journalism, socialism - are or not ethical, be it in whole or part.

Of course not. ;) We're soo evil for disagreeing politically. What is that called again? Oh right, demonization, dehumanization, contempt... How fucking admirable you are. Let's all give you a round of applause...
TullyFernado: There's that rich, thick irony again. It's amazing to behold.
Well as far as I was able to follow the discussion, it started with:

"You journalists are corrupt, you are a clique promoting games of your friends and injecting political views in reviews! Look at the Zoe Quinn incident or the mailing list and google hangouts where you coordinate what each one is writing about a game etc ".

"No we are not, you only say that because she is a woman. And you have a problem with women in gaming! You are misogynistic that has to stop."

"I do not care which gender, I give a fuck about that! Stop being corrupt."

"So you are saying, you do not care. Hmm that is a very misogynistic view, as there are only very few women in the gaming industry and represented in games as heroes they would need your support, but you do not care: Misogynist. Because equal rights you know."

"This is about being corrupt and ethics in journalism, not about equal rights for women. Hell, we are talking about computer games."

"So you are denying women their equal rights in gaming, ts ts. How can you be so misogynistic. Furthermore games are only made for white supremacists, that has to change! Games have to widen their audience they are for."

"Where did you get that from?"

"Last week I played a game, well two games and the main hero was white and a man. That has to stop."

"Two games? This is hardly representative!"

"Well it exists and that has to stop."

"This is about your clique of so called blogger journalists writing biased and political reviews, not about computer games."

"So you denying the facts the games are racist and misogynistic? So you are not only misogynistic, you are also a racist."

and so is just hilarious.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by MaGo72
Brasas: Sure... because ethics are universal right? It can't be we actually disagree on substance whether social activism, radical feminism, mission journalism, socialism - are or not ethical, be it in whole or part.

Of course not. ;) We're soo evil for disagreeing politically. What is that called again? Oh right, demonization, dehumanization, contempt... How fucking admirable you are. Let's all give you a round of applause...
TullyFernado: There's that rich, thick irony again. It's amazing to behold.
If someone needs to get real, it's you. You don't actually contribute to the discussion, just sling insults. Talk about irony...
What's amazing is all your harassment and name calling. Isn't that ironic given your position on the topic? (Used correctly)

And again dehumanizing, contempt and demonization. Isn't this exactly what you have been doing in all of your posts?

You are the poster child for the radical feminist who is so deranged that neutral people side against your cause...
If you want to see why people like TB are forced to side with Gamergate (willingly or not), you can look at yourself in the mirror. You are everything that is wrong with third-wave feminism. I support most women's causes, just not the crazy ones that you seem to support.
So what is the latest news going on with #Gamergate?

Infact what ever happened to the figures who sort of started this like Zoe Quinn after the whole thing blown over?
low rated
Typically dogpiling reactions that validate what I and most people think of GooberGobblers. You guys would be hilarious if you weren't so volatile and harmful.

No, there's no sense in trying to have a reasonable conversation with you people, because you're neither reasonable nor living in the same reality as most people in this world.

More mob downvotes, too. That'll show me!
Post edited February 01, 2015 by TullyFernado
TullyFernado: Typically dogpiling reactions that validate what I and most people think of GooberGobblers. You guys would be hilarious if you weren't so dangerous.

No, there's no sense in trying to have a reasonable conversation with you people, because you're neither reasonable nor living in the same reality as most people in this world.

More mob downvotes, too. That'll show me!
Sorry, but your passive-aggressiveness disturbs my karma . Please broadcast your negative vibes elsewhere.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by viperfdl
TullyFernado: ...
you don't seem to really have a clue what dogpiling mean and by the way you don't have a clue what "having a reasonable conversation" actually means either.

That might come to a shock but "throwing some random insults and then complaining when it generate some negative responses" is NOT what "having a reasonable conversation" means.
TullyFernado: Typically dogpiling reactions that validate what I and most people think of GooberGobblers. You guys would be hilarious if you weren't so dangerous.No, there's no sense in trying to have a reasonable conversation with you people, because you're neither reasonable nor living in the same reality as most people in this world. More mob downvotes, too. That'll show me!
Again, the typical tactic of accusing their imagined enemies of what they are doing to others. "dogpiling reactions" describes perfectly what anti-gamer neofems do to anyone who disagrees with them. Last years "Gamers are dead" stunt was an example of that on a large scale.

"'re neither reasonable nor living in the same reality as most people in this world..." - it's hilarious, this is describing the sjw's, neofems and the corrupt dregs that still calls itself gaming journalists. One could sight countless examples of the criminal behaviour of the above mentioned, but the example of the doxxing of Elizabeth Fogarty should suffice for now. I know I'm a big "do not feed the trolls" advocate but with the level of lies and criminality they've reached one has to say something. However, I really do have better things to do than feed socio-psychopath trolls.

I'll just repeat here the farewell note from Elizabeth Fogarty one more time. Proof all they can do is destroy. This actually happened - unlike the still unproven claims of anti-gamers.

I won’t be back to Twitter. This was professionally and thoroughly done, likely paid for, by someone who wanted to intimidate me. It worked. I kept my children private for this reason, I knew that eventually they would be used as a weapon against me. My plan, all along, was if that occurred I would deactivate. I was fully prepared for this, and intend to stick with it. I ask that anyone with any decency respect this.

I will not be on Reddit. There is already a username Lizzyf620 (seemingly to share the dox further). If you see a Twitter account, Reddit account, anything, claiming to be me, it’s a lie.

I’m heartbroken over this. I invested a large amount of myself into GG, but – unexpectedly – invested even more of myself into you guys. I feel like I’ve lost all of my friends, and that hurts more than anything.
TullyFernado: Typically dogpiling reactions that validate what I and most people think of GooberGobblers. You guys would be hilarious if you weren't so volatile and harmful.

No, there's no sense in trying to have a reasonable conversation with you people, because you're neither reasonable nor living in the same reality as most people in this world.

More mob downvotes, too. That'll show me!
The world you describe is not present in any free country. I think you and your ''community'' are cast away on an island where everyone forgot you and you forgot equality. Any ideology that speaks of racial or gender inclusion and then enforces it by behaving differently to people of different genders and different races are bigoted. So you are right. It is impossible in having a reasonable conversation with you (notice I don't say ''you people'' because I don't judge people as groups like you do) because you are unreasonable and are living in a delusional bubble with all the other bigots).