Rusty_Gunn: Not being one to harass, and diversity is a good thing but I don't think it's good for Intel to invest in hatemongers such as Anita
Listen. In its entirety. Then, for comparison, take a look at the media the real "hatemongers" are producing, people like Owen, Aurini, Baldwin, Vavra, Bain, Mason, Summers and Yannopoulos, only one of whom occasionally actually talks about video games.
The hate comes and always came from a totally exaggerated, aggressive response to what is only just a small video series about feminist perspectives on certain aspects of games, many of which Sarkeesian loves and plays (inb4 protest, proof's in the podcast).
But all that is crystal clear, and has been from minute one in 2012, when the totally absurd harrassment and despicable clamor of thousands of de facto misogynist gamers made Tropes vs. Women far more successful than it would otherwise have been.