walpurgis8199: Interesting question. I expect to get quite a few more months of entertainment out of this. On one side we have gamers a group of people who have a special term for doing a boring repetative task to earn a minimal reward (grinding). On the other side we have the social justice warriors who are true believers that gamergate is nothing but a hate group. in other words we have two groups full of remarkably stubborn people.
I see three possible endings for this. 1) (Most likely) The games media slowly stops publishing gamer's are dead and gamergate is just a hate group articles. The twitter war continues but slowly loses steam until only two small hardcore groups are left fighting. 2) (Not likely) A new game is released that is a giant time sink and all the gamers are too busy playing it to keep up with gamergate. 3) (Not likely) The SJW scene descends into civil war over who is supposed to check their privilege and be quiet while a more oppressed minority is allowed to speak.
Yeah, this is what happens when an immovable object meets an irresistable force. Which is which tho?
And speaking of which, a more amusing (if slightly belated) take on the "25 advantages of white male house boys..." or whatever it was ... T
This observation by the brilliant Karen "where's my vodka" Straughan in two parts
noncompliantgame: <span class="bold">JORDAN OWEN DOES IT AGAIN!</span> Bloomberg 4th rate Anti-Gamer Hit Piece Exposed!! "The Sarkeesian Effect" producer tells all!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! <@8^D+<
MaGo72: There is one thing I wondered since I watched the Tropes vs Women in Video games. The word
academic study is being mentioned a lot in relation to those videos.
I do not know much about academia in the states, but does she not have to establish a frame of reference for her assumptions and generalizations. So that there is actually a answering credible statement about the question which is being examined?
There are about 50000 games listed on moby games and I am not sure that this is the complete list. For a scientific statement about the "mysoginistic" nature of video games one way would be:
- some quantifiable misogynistic patterns have to be established which are to be examined.
- intended misgyinistc patterns and unintended misogynistic patterns.
- a complete list of games for the examined time frame has to be made. The time frame has further to be subdivided in years, genres, game types, developers and platforms . Then someone would have to play all those games and see if there are actually those patterns present and to what extent.
- then someone would have to formulate the conclusions and then you could make conclusions about the development over the years and existence of mysogynistic patterns in games.
- for sandbox games, which are a special case, when the "misogynistic" behaviour of players is not necessarily the games goal or intended by the developers, but such actions are possible in the game. It would have to be it's own study how many of the players use the possibility of misogynistic actions albeit it does not progress them in the game and then to determine why players feel compelled to execute those actions.
As it stands she looked at 183 games, which are 0,36% of the about 50000. The videos seem more to document the process of identifying those patterns(although I doubt it, it seems more like just bitching about something that could be a pattern), at the same time making conclusions and generalizations about games as a whole with no scientific base or credibility.
Those vids are in no way anything like a scientific study. It is packaged as one, but there is nothing academic, scientific about them, the vids are opinions. Those vids are money milkers for her business.
. It might help!