babark: I saw no indication that you were not being serious in your previous post where you (re)called into question the idea of mass graves being dug for corona victims.
Please read this bit again and note what I said & how I said it(bolded bits especially):
seems the
rumors of China doing the same thing last month
might not be so far off, then,
if Iran is also doing it."
The qualifiers in that statement are there to indicate to a reader(if they read slowly and carefully) that I am/was not stating mass graves were fact or anything like that.
babark: Again, I did not mean my initial post as an attack, I just wanted to point out that at times like this, a cavalier attitude towards the truth (muddying the waters, spreading unverified information, etc.) is not really beneficial to society. "Common sense" before posting as well as after.
No worries.....I get that you likely mean well.....I just am less overly worried about "what ifs", and think responsibility should be equally spread between those reading things & those who write/post things anywhere.
That isn't to say I don't try to do my part to help by not spreading dumb info.....I do....if I post a questionable sources for some reason(or something similar) I always put a footnote in bold/underlined to denote such.
babark: As far as my knowledge goes, my family is doing ok. They have always been self-sufficient, so it isn't so problematic for them to ride out isolation for a couple of weeks.
So supplies doing well? That's good.
Over here we're(my family) somewhat lucky.....we stocked up on TP before all this(a small amount) and some canned/etc food else we'd likely be using paper towels/etc to wipe by now & running out of food.
I have also been stocking up small amounts of other things like canned foods and such, as they keep longer, and other things here and there, but I have cut back shopping trips so as to not get sick/etc.
babark: I am doing ok as well, but I wish I'd do something more productive than watch movies and shows.
You ARE doing something're helping "flatten the curve" and limit infections(to-from you and others). :)