babark: You realise how meaningless such a statement is (and how harmful it can be in terms of scaremongering)?
If someone can't hear such and not break out into panic why should it be on me/anyone else? Are we their guardians and/or responsible for the entire world?
The problem is many are already scared, and someone saying such on one thread of a web forum isn't likely going to make it much worse(if at all). Heck, the "good news posts" might possibly lure some into a false sense of security and cause some to let their guard down too.
babark: With that attitude, literally anything is possible, and truth is meaningless, if it is not true now, then it could be later: Terminators among us. Lizard people controlling us, assassins dispatching world leaders with delayed action, undetectable, deathly fart gases, Fluorine in the water turning frogs gay, etc.
And if people believe such without checking/critical thinking then they're being "stupid"....again, why should we be
overly responsible for adults and not let them do so more so for themselves during all this?
During such events, self reliance is often a very important skill to have, and i'm hoping if we get any positives from all this that one of them will be people being more self reliant/using their brains more.
babark: Now I don't want this to come off like an attack, so I'll echo a question from someone else earlier in response to the whole "Authoritative soure vs rando on the internet" discussion. Since you say that people should treat authoritative sources and randos on the internet with equal importance, and use "common sense" to figure out which is right, and since at the moment, everyone has time to apply common sense to the current situation unless they're lazy (I paraphrase you), could you outline specifically how someone without a detailed knowledge of biology and medicine (the vast majority of us) would weigh what a rando on the internet said, and what an authoritative source said, and decide who to trust more?
To clarify one thing: I didn't say one should give EQUAL importance to every source.....obviously less credible or authoritative sources should be trusted less.
That said, one can/could use other information sources to check into what was said(verify with other sources), or ask those who are smarter/more knowledgeable on what they read/find & want to check.
To all: (Article is an archived link to bypass ads and paywalls, written by Tyler Durden)