DadJoke007: I'm starting to get concerned about the potential famine when supply chains get disrupted. This doesn't look good for countries that are not self-sufficient when it comes to food.
The bigger the machinery, the more time it takes for it to start. The potential economical effect this might have is way scarier than any virus.
This....I have heard tell(haven't verified yet, but I likely will do so soon to be sure when I get the chance) one grocery not far from me shut it's doors for a bit due to having not much food to sell.
Also the store that are open have snacks/"luxury foods and drink" available and some other foods, but the staples are selling out quickly(or are gone in some cases).
In times like this i'm reminded of the story of the grasshopper and the ant.....the ant prepared while the grasshopper played around and laughed at the ant.....well many of us were like the grasshopper and now wish we were like the ant. :\
falloutttt: Say, we humies and all the creatures here on earth, have no eyes and incapable of feeling the heat from the sun. The question is, will the sun shine ? if we can't see it nor feel the heat ?
The answer is, No.
Yes, it will....we just won't see it or feel it.
(There are some animals that don't see or feel the sun's warmth/light, living in the darkest caves or ocean's depths, yet the sun still exists)
falloutttt: Same with a tree falling where there's no one to see/hear it. If there's no one to see the tree falling, the tree simply don't exist.
The tree also exists.....
for all intents and purposes the tree may as well not exist(if no one notices it), but it still physically exists.
I may watch them out of interest, but bear in mind I am more logical oriented, over philosophy, so it likely won't change my mind much(though I suppose anything is possible to some degree).
morolf: Sounds like bs to me, that would mean that Covid-19 is significantly
less deadly than the seasonal flu epidemics, which can't be reconciled with what's been happening in China, Iran, Italy and Spain. imo media like the Financial times have a transparent agenda in promoting such stuff, they want an early end to lockdown measures for economic reasons.
One of the reasons Covid 19 is much deadlier is because we don't have a vaccine.......if we had one imo we'd likely have this much more under control(close to how it is with the regular flu season).
Also regardless of what they
want, we have to likely re-open trade/the world within a certain period else face even worse financial times for everyone except maybe the super rich(including food shortages, lack of jobs for people to go back to, etc).
As I said earlier ITT, it's a tough decision and i'm glad I don't have to make it. :\