Posted March 17, 2020
low rated
MaceyNeil: Well considering you can spread it while being asymptomatic; I hardly think it matters. If you're sick and it's covid you've already spread it to everyone you love by then so just get yourself to a doc and take the same standard precautions you should be taking with ANY cold or flu.
GameRager: I honestly think that even with everything in place(full lockdown type deals even) many more will get this.....which sucks(dunno a better word for this level of bad atm). I wouldn't be surprised if the economic impacts kill more people over the next half century.
Prices will go up, businesses will want to rush back in at the lowest possible fiscal liability & credit, all that risk will be pushed back onto workers which governments won't really stand behind because they'll desperately want the tax that they can only truly get from GDP.
You think covid preys on the weak and vulnerable? It targets the elderly and immune supressed.
Wait till todays failure to launch generations already pushed to the wall in debt become even more vulnerable under a powerless state in the iron grip of capitalist tweedism.