tinyE: The 1st one? I've only ever played it SP.
bler144: I don't know the order - it's Chaos Theory.
Anyway, it sounds like it's playable KB+M and single player, so might I humbly request
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory? If either of those turn out to be untrue I'll unrequest it ;)
From poking about Google a bit, it appears it has a single-player as well as a co-op campaign. There's a multiplayer mode, but the lobbies are fairly dead these days. Assuming that KB+M means keyboard and mouse, apparently that's considered one of the better ways to play.
timmy010: i'd love to try burnout paradise (origin). hopefully it will be better than the aweful freebie "most wanted" on origin. ;-)
Fantasysci5: Hi Zeo! I would love to give "Dead Space" a home. I love horror games, and I've heard good things about it, though I'm not much into shooters. :)
I think it does involve a fair bit of shooting, from what I've heard, although it's mainly survival.
Sorry about not being around recently, folks. I've had a bit of a cold (again), so my head's been whirling and I've consequently been rather out of it. I think I'm improving now, though.