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I'm quite interested in Dinner Date and Paper Train Traffic, may I ask for them?
Thanks VVhiteVVolf & Zeogold.
Vyraexii: wow no posts for 2 days
is that a record?
Not sure, but it's definitely an 8-track cassette for sure!
Vyraexii: wow no posts for 2 days
is that a record?
skeletonbow: Not sure, but it's definitely an 8-track cassette for sure!
lol any younguns on here will prolly be confused wondering what an 8 track is
skeletonbow: Not sure, but it's definitely an 8-track cassette for sure!
Vyraexii: lol any younguns on here will prolly be confused wondering what an 8 track is
In these days some might not even know what a record is ;)
Vyraexii: lol any younguns on here will prolly be confused wondering what an 8 track is
MarkoH01: In these days some might not even know what a record is ;)
Nah, vinyl is hip again.
MarkoH01: In these days some might not even know what a record is ;)
bler144: Nah, vinyl is hip again.
Hipseters. Ugh.

Wonder how many would understand LP.
bler144: Nah, vinyl is hip again.
JunglePredator: Hipseters. Ugh.

Wonder how many would understand LP.
yeah they'll think its lets play XD
JunglePredator: Hipseters. Ugh.

Wonder how many would understand LP.
Vyraexii: yeah they'll think its lets play XD
Hmm... until today I was always getting the speeds mixed up for some reason. Decided to look up the speeds cause of the mention here.

Always thought the smaller ones were slower than the bigger ones.

It's cause my father's records were 78s when I was younger... never realized he switched over to LPs when I was a bit older. So always associated the larger ones with faster.

So the smaller ones were slower... 45s of course.
low rated
May I ask for one more dungeon and chicken shooter 2 please If my math works that should be one "ask token"?
KoreaBeat: I'm quite interested in Dinner Date and Paper Train Traffic, may I ask for them?
cecil: May I ask for one more dungeon and chicken shooter 2 please If my math works that should be one "ask token"?
Also granted.
Post edited March 06, 2017 by zeogold
Thank you to zeo, shronbn, and A.Ryan!
Update: Crazy Pixel Streaker, Wickland, and ABRACA (controller needed for this game) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
low rated
Thank you Zeo, A.Ryan and Pooka :-)
zeogold: Update: Crazy Pixel Streaker, Wickland, and ABRACA (controller needed for this game) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
Can i ask for Crazy Pixel Streaker? Looks like just the kind of silly game i might enjoy. :D