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zeogold: Syberia
Hey. Can I have this one please? :)
I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
Post edited February 19, 2017 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
Oh, i actually played FEZ for the first time this week and it's better than i expected. :D
MarkoH01: I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
Impaler26: Oh, i actually played FEZ for the first time this week and it's better than i expected. :D
In fact it is a great game and you can play it in two different ways.
1) Play it as a simple platformer with a twist without paying any attention to the glyphs shown during the game.
2) Decypher the glyphs and learn a complete new alphabet to see what the "aliens" are telling you throughout the game. Also solve additional difficult puzzles and secrets and complete 209,4% of the game which will take you a LOT of time.

I loved playing FEZ both ways and I am a bit sad that part 2 of it was cancelled.
Post edited February 19, 2017 by MarkoH01
low rated
zeogold: Update: Shining Force, Alien Soldier, and Golden Axe II added, courtesy of 01kipper.
Can I have Golden Axe II? I have first Golden Axe on Steam and I've actually beaten it without saves.
If someone asks for "Mission Runway" let me know so that I can laugh at them. :P

And if no one else wants it, ONLY OF NO ONE ELSE WANTS IT, I'll take that Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville off of your hands.
Post edited February 19, 2017 by tinyE
zeogold: Shining Force added, courtesy of 01kipper
TheNerdyPlane: Oohh, could I request this please?
zeogold: Syberia
Random_Coffee: Hey. Can I have this one please? :)
Also granted.
MarkoH01: I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
I'll give it a shot, but I get the feeling he'll deny it given how he always tends to go strictly DRM-free.
zeogold: Update: Shining Force, Alien Soldier, and Golden Axe II added, courtesy of 01kipper.
LootHunter: Can I have Golden Axe II? I have first Golden Axe on Steam and I've actually beaten it without saves.
Granted as well.
Post edited February 19, 2017 by zeogold
low rated
LootHunter: Can I have Golden Axe II? I have first Golden Axe on Steam and I've actually beaten it without saves.
zeogold: Granted as well.
Key successfully activated. Thank you zeo and 01kipper!
MarkoH01: I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
Thank you MarkoH01 for nomination and Zeo for giveaway.
Thank you Crackpot.756 for game.
Post edited February 20, 2017 by amrit9037
low rated
Can I have Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts DLC if no one else has already asked for it? ^_^

zeogold: Syberia
Random_Coffee: Hey. Can I have this one please? :)
Great game, enjoy! One of my favorite point and click adventures.
Random_Coffee: Hey. Can I have this one please? :)
51nikopol: Great game, enjoy! One of my favorite point and click adventures.
It sure is. That is one of the reason that I still don't understand why part 3 is not yet announced here.
MarkoH01: I would like to nominate amrit9037 for FEZ since he requested it here and when I noticed this the mentioned sale was already over.
amrit9037: Thank you MarkoH01 for nomination and Zeo for giveaway.
Thank you Crackpot.756 for game.
Glad to hear that you finally managed to get this. It is a great game and you can have countless hours of fun with it. Try to discover all the secrets and the alien language as well and you will have a great time with it.
Post edited February 20, 2017 by MarkoH01
Random_Coffee: Hey. Can I have this one please? :)
51nikopol: Great game, enjoy! One of my favorite point and click adventures.
Yeah, I played it a few hours already this morning. Enjoying it a lot so far :) I also picked up the second game in the current sale here.
zeogold: Drakensang: The River of Time
MaxFulvus: May I have this one, please ?
Falci: Can I have Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts DLC if no one else has already asked for it? ^_^
Also granted.
tinyE: And if no one else wants it, ONLY OF NO ONE ELSE WANTS IT, I'll take that Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville off of your hands.
I'm pretty sure nobody else is going to ask for it, so...
Post edited February 21, 2017 by zeogold