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low rated
Can i grab that warhammer end times please?? Thanks for sharing!

oh damn kusu are fast, thanks anyway!
Post edited March 13, 2017 by A.Ryan
A.Ryan: Can i grab that warhammer end times please?? Thanks for sharing!

oh damn kusu are fast, thanks anyway!
Well, you didn't say 'would you kindly' :p
I would be happy to take Verdun if I may, it's the only game that had appeared in a while in Humble Bundles that interests me.

I know it's not necessary, but I would donate a code or two in exchange.
May I have Valhall Hills?

Thanks . . . and did I see that you were going to start doing GOG codes as well?
I would like to get Year Walk.
Post edited March 14, 2017 by VVhiteVVolf
kusumahendra: May I ask for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide?
Densetsu: I would be happy to take Verdun if I may, it's the only game that had appeared in a while in Humble Bundles that interests me.
Also granted.
VVhiteVVolf: I would like to get Year Walk.
Granted as well.
wanderer_27: May I have Valhall Hills?
Granted, and yes, I'm taking GOG codes as well in preparation for re-opening the Community Giveaway, I just haven't opened it yet since I want to be able to come out the gate with something a bit more substantial than the normal freebies which the last one closed on.
Post edited March 14, 2017 by zeogold
kusumahendra: May I ask for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide?
zeogold: Granted.
Thank you Doc0075 and zeogold for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide :)
Thanks Impaler26 for Year Walk.
low rated
could I ask for Hunting Unlimited 2010
Verdun redeemed, thank you Doc and zeo, looking forward to playing it very soon! :)
Thank you 51nikopol for the generous donation of Valhalla Hills!.

Thanks again zeo for keeping this going . . I've left a little something in your Inbox :)
Is Legends of Eisenwald still available?
zeogold: Update: Verdun and Warhammer: End Times - Verminitide added, courtesy of Doc0075.
Legends of Eisenwald and Valhall Hills added, courtesy of 51nikopol.
Year Walk, POSTAL 2, and POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost (DLC) added, courtesy of Impaler26.
Breath of Death VII and Cthulu Saves the World added, courtesy of an anonymous donor.
Q.U.B.E. added, courtesy of Crackpot.756.
i just saw that someone else ask for Verdun so in that case if no one asked for Breath of Death VII i would like to try it :)
Post edited March 15, 2017 by MadeinChina
With the new additions, here are new recommendations to go along with them.

POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost
Easily one of the best expansion packs of the last several years. Paradise Lost really shows a love of the base game, between the return of the open world to some of the best humor in the entire Postal series. It is moreorless like the base POSTAL 2 game (see my review here:, so get that along with Paradise Lost if that's what you're after. Overall, a very fun and funny game for open world fans and psychopaths alike.

Cthulhu Saves The World
If that title made you laugh, then get this game now. As a comedy about Cthulhu being a hero, the game is a real riot, containing great dialogue and jokes, including some Lovecraftian fans will not want to miss. As a loving tribute to the role-playing games of gaming past, Cthulhu Saves The World provides hours of fun content that combines some of the best elements of classic role-playing. Add in plenty of replay value with alternate modes and this game really is worth playing.
te_lanus: could I ask for Hunting Unlimited 2010
innerring: Is Legends of Eisenwald still available?
Yup! Granted.
MadeinChina: i just saw that someone else ask for Verdun so in that case if no one asked for Breath of Death VII i would like to try it :)
Granted as well.
Post edited March 15, 2017 by zeogold