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akwater: LOL :) Women here aren't like women everywhere else in the world... Here they think they are the cat's meow yet elsewhere I find they are more reasonable.
Aliasalpha: What you probably need is to go somewhere where you're an exotic and romantic foreigner rather than just another bloke.

I'm beginning to think that my only chance is to go overseas and even then it'd have to be somewhere with poor lighting... Perhaps norway when they have that month of no sun
Me thinks that if akwater can be accurately described as a bloke that that might be the problem.

But it really depends where you're in the US. Around here it's an incredibly mixed bag. They run the complete gamut from psychopathic to Feminist to actually quite enjoyable to spend time around.
hedwards: Me thinks that if akwater can be accurately described as a bloke that that might be the problem.
You think a dress is the answer? Some cute little black number perhaps
hedwards: Me thinks that if akwater can be accurately described as a bloke that that might be the problem.
Aliasalpha: You think a dress is the answer? Some cute little black number perhaps
You know, cute shoes and the ability to comment intelligently on them, never hurt a guy.

Or doesn't that work on women?

eff it... If I dont get involved by the time my ticket and security clearance is approved then I'll head back overseas and date a woman on the base with me, and have vacations that would make rich people jealous ;)
I am very angry that people look at me weird when I eat plain cottage cheese!
CaptainGyro: I am very angry that people look at me weird when I eat plain cottage cheese!
Are you doing it just to taunt them?
I am doing it just to enjoy a cup of fine cottage cheese. It is delicious.
Today some co-worker said " how can you eat that? it looks like it's covered in mucus "

hey guess what idiot. It's not actually mucus! It's water. I know that sounds crazy and everything, but no it's not real mucus!

I am very sensitive about my cottage cheese
Post edited February 28, 2011 by CaptainGyro
Aliasalpha: I'm beginning to think that my only chance is to go overseas and even then it'd have to be somewhere with poor lighting... Perhaps norway when they have that month of no sun
Here you are

And it's more like 6 months of no sun, or all sun, depending on where you are.
Post edited February 28, 2011 by stonebro
Oar Some. That gives me months to geat away before the ladies realise I'm not quite as pretty as I claim to be!
Bloody hell.

Ive been teaching Powerpoint to a group of older students and I though Id get them to share thier work. this Guy has been u there for 25 minutes and he's only halfway through.

On the up hand he's certainly done his research from a number of sources both online and physical research and he's done a really good job of formatting it.

I never knew alot about Scotch whiskey, which I now do.

But lord almighty wrap it up we have another 3 people to go and marking in the next half hour.
sigh last 4 minutes of paypal after that wont be able to use it :(, hate to just sit and watch the gaming deals sucks :X
Grr, an hour to go before DoW2: Retribution is downloaded and I've got nothing to do but sit here and watch the counter...

liquidsnakehpks: sigh last 4 minutes of paypal after that wont be able to use it :(, hate to just sit and watch the gaming deals sucks :X
Why whats wrong with paypal?
akwater: lol.......................

eff it... If I dont get involved by the time my ticket and security clearance is approved then I'll head back overseas and date a woman on the base with me, and have vacations that would make rich people jealous ;)
You don't have to go to the sandlot to meet someone reasonable, try Switzerland, I'll bet you could get a nice embassy job or something:)

Switzerland is an awesome place.
Aliasalpha: Grr, an hour to go before DoW2: Retribution is downloaded and I've got nothing to do but sit here and watch the counter...
Stop complaining. I have to wait until friday. Assuming it even arrives on friday.
Aliasalpha: Grr, an hour to go before DoW2: Retribution is downloaded and I've got nothing to do but sit here and watch the counter...
Azarr: Stop complaining. I have to wait until friday. Assuming it even arrives on friday.
You should have a friend in america who can gift it to you saving both money and time