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Azarr: Stop complaining. I have to wait until friday. Assuming it even arrives on friday.
Aliasalpha: You should have a friend in america who can gift it to you saving both money and time
I am saving money. I also happen to want the shiny box.
Aliasalpha: You should have a friend in america who can gift it to you saving both money and time
Azarr: I am saving money. I also happen to want the shiny box.
Shiny boxes are all well and good but I'll be able to play it in 40 minutes
Azarr: I am saving money. I also happen to want the shiny box.
Aliasalpha: Shiny boxes are all well and good but I'll be able to play it in 40 minutes
Therefore you have no reason to complain.
Bit its 40 minutes (well 25 now) and I'm an impatient bastard!
Aliasalpha: Grr, an hour to go before DoW2: Retribution is downloaded and I've got nothing to do but sit here and watch the counter...

liquidsnakehpks: sigh last 4 minutes of paypal after that wont be able to use it :(, hate to just sit and watch the gaming deals sucks :X
Aliasalpha: Why whats wrong with paypal?
this :(
Aliasalpha: Grr, an hour to go before DoW2: Retribution is downloaded and I've got nothing to do but sit here and watch the counter...

Why whats wrong with paypal?
liquidsnakehpks: this :(
What... so you can't use Paypal in India to buy stuff? What the hell is the point of using Paypal then?
i know so ridiculous :X
orcishgamer: You don't have to go to the sandlot to meet someone reasonable, try Switzerland, I'll bet you could get a nice embassy job or something:)

Switzerland is an awesome place.
heh the thing is I'm not exactly embassy material... I'm not a "yes" man lol
orcishgamer: You don't have to go to the sandlot to meet someone reasonable, try Switzerland, I'll bet you could get a nice embassy job or something:)

Switzerland is an awesome place.
akwater: heh the thing is I'm not exactly embassy material... I'm not a "yes" man lol
Perhaps you have some experience I don't, but I don't think that's really what they're looking for. Someone who is fluent in multiple languages and at ease in stressful situations can do very well from the limited exposure I've had (and it's been very limited, so I could be full of shit). There's also a lot of volunteer organizations out of that area of Europe, some of them even pay a salary that will see you scrape by. If you have savings that might be enough to really enjoy some time over there.
Follow-up to my novella-length bitch a few pages back.

Dad's doing quite a bit better. Stupid diabetes crap and him not taking care of it. Just leads to all sorts of other junk if you let it go, and that's pretty much what happened after his last little stroke event.

My brother and I took him to the big VA hospital last week and they ran an EKG and checked a couple other things. Said things look fine but they can't explain where it was the clot came from. Hmmm. But hey, at least the heart sounded good after his bypass and valve replacement so that's a positive thing.

The, umm, incontinence stuff. Geez, not a real comfortable thing to talk with someone about but I bit the bullet and went straight in. Called the local VA and got a same-day appointment with his pri-care guy, and then told Dad we were going to the doctor - wasn't going to let him come up with some excuse to get out of it. The doctor suggested a couple things, saying that one of his meds has a tendency to exacerbate any bowel difficulties (trying to keep it from being nasty, but if that's your kink feel free to use your imagination) and recommended simply Gas-X. Between that, consciously using the bathroom more often, and getting his blood sugar down, there haven't been any more problems with it thus far.

The doctor asked about blood sugar and all that and Dad's gf said it had been really high. Naturally, that high count fogs the brain a little, affecting both voluntary and involuntary response. So I used that opportunity to sort of lecture both Dad and his gf while the doctor was in the room with us. The doctor mostly kept quiet but nodded quite a bit so I think it was the right thing to do and maybe my points got through to them. It was simple crap, like being smart about buying groceries and getting a bit more exercise from taking short walks throughout the day and things like that. Hell, walking to the end of the hall and back every hour or two is better than sitting around all day.

The doctor said no more driving, period, and Dad didn't take it too badly. Talked about getting a power scooter but I told him I'd rather not see him get one; in too many cases it turns into a surrogate for walking and then there goes any chance for even the most modest exercise. The gf and doc agreed and I hope he doesn't get one, at least while he can get around with a cane or walker.

He called today and said he might have the truck sold, for more than I figured he'd get. He and the gf are also moving in together (they've been off-and-on for 20-odd years) so that frees up some rent money. She managed to get his blood sugar down near where it needs to be, and I hope they can keep it that way. It's a slippery slope if it gets out of whack for too long but at least she's there to hopefully catch it before it gets bad.

The second time he called today, he said "this is your kid", which means he got his sense of humor back, along with some sarcasm. During the drive to the doctor on Friday, with his gf in the car, I told him that we asked her to watch out for him and tell us how things were going - if he doesn't like it, take it out on us kids and not grumble at her. He resents being 'spied on' but I told him he should at least find some comfort knowing that we care enough to want to look out for him. So maybe he's feeling a bit better about it but he probably does also feel that I'm treating him a bit like he's my son.

If he sells the truck then he wants to get a laptop. I convinced him to talk to me about it first, which is a huge step. Normally, he'd just click on any old banner ad and buy the first thing that came up. I was imagining him spending $1,200 he doesn't have on some $300 rig, and then wasting another $150 on the "installation" service and $200 on an extended warranty. So getting him to let me help find a new one is a major step, even though it sounds like a small thing.

Sorry for spoiling the bitch thread with decent news. ; )
akwater: LOL :) Women here aren't like women everywhere else in the world... Here they think they are the cat's meow yet elsewhere I find they are more reasonable.
Aliasalpha: What you probably need is to go somewhere where you're an exotic and romantic foreigner rather than just another bloke.

I'm beginning to think that my only chance is to go overseas and even then it'd have to be somewhere with poor lighting... Perhaps norway when they have that month of no sun
I resent that.
Zchinque: I resent that.
Or perhaps resemble it?
Zchinque: I resent that.
Damuna: Or perhaps resemble it?
Its too dark to tell, thats the whole point
Feck! Arse!

Didn't win the car in that sweet gizmodo contest
2 days... no post... car related.

Well 5 1/2 years after becoming of legal age to learn to drive (legally drive anyway) I took up lessons and now a few months later i have booked the dreaded practical test *dun dun dun*

I wish I bloody hadnt cause within 5 minutes of it im thinking "oh shit" am I ready??? I dont want to fail. What do I need to work on???

All these things going through my head and it isnt until the 5th of april. *wimper*