marianne.495: I am sooo PO'd. The supreme court ruled that corporations don't have to cover birth control costs in their health insurance plans for women, if it is against the corps religious beliefs. They say corps are a single entity like women are. Excuse me ???!!! So now we are mixing state rights with religious rights ? This is outrageous. Too much GD government control. We the ppl are losing our rights one by one. If our government doesn't like something in the Constitution, gov says TS and does what it wants. Damn, but I'm mad. :P
I can't believe I missed this before...this all started because of HobbyLobby's christian leadership not wanting to fund what they consider to be against their religious views. I actually signed a series of petitions in favor of BC costs but clearly it fell on deaf corporate-lackey ears.
The original Hikaru Sulu, Mr. George Takei, had a brilliant response to this bullshit ruling:
Oh and let's not forget Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to dissent to the SPOTUS decision of her arch-conservative colleagues.