Sage103082: I know this is a bitch thread but I wanted to let everyone that followed my posts about Mom she is doing better. Everyday is better. Thought she had a long day yesterday with therapies and a DR.s appointment and she throw a temper tantrum when I asked her to do her exercises last night and told me I was abusing her. *sigh* win some lose some.
I didn't reply to your posts - just because I didn't know what I could/should say.
But let me tell you that I'm really glad reading she's better. I hope this gives you strength, too. I can only imagine how exhausting the last weeks must have been for you.
F4LL0UT: A company where I applied a month ago or something finally called. I screwed up. Apparently they are going to invite me for the next round in the recruitment process but I doubt I made a good first impression. :S
Like my wife (who's currently in a similar situation) said: Recruitment talks are like exams. Just when you go out of an exam with a 2 (B) you're good. Going out of these talks with less and a 1 (A) is "having screwed it up.