Had to go to a flea infested apartment that had finished a couple of treatments to check it was ready for a new tenant. It was full of many dead flies and a couple of spiders. I looked closely at the carpet in some places and couldn't see anything so I assumed the tenant had confused flies with fleas so i goes back to the van.
I'm sat there and look at my arm and there is a suspicious looking black dot so I went to poke it and it jumped somewhere, then after examining myself there was one on my pants which I flicked outside and couldn't find any more on me after that.
First thing I did when I got home was take all my clothes off and jump in the shower for a thorough scrub but now im itchy as hell. I cannot see any fleas and no itchy parts are localised and visible etc so it may be psychological but shite cricket all round! :(
DubConqueror: Saw the news today, when the girlfriend of a friend of mine was watching. Was about to leave, walked into the room and immediately got captivated: sanctions of the EU against Russia and Russian war talk of 'aggressor countries' and hitting back with sanctions of their own, actual war on the plane crash site, war in Gaza, with the Israeli forces targeting schools, mosques, the people's only electricity plant. And people here in Holland in ankle-deep water in their homes in some places due to heavy rainfall.
Immediately very depressed again. It's too dangerous for me to watch the news. Longing for t he end my life, which will take another 40 year wait with the 43 already gone.
best "news" program ever was called the day today, and the same creators did a panorama (investigative journalism) style show called brass eye, also awesome and makes you smile :D. Quite heavily dated nowadays though.