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I don't know why I ever started play Lineage 2, stupid new update came when you had blindly pick up new class... you screwed up? Pay us 40$ to change it (i know that for some ppl is not that much but for me now it's impossible) , don't want pay? Start again (and waste time doing same thing, what is ~1 year?), rly... and all cuz they were to lazy to put PTS so ppl could test. The best thing is that I rly like to play it with friends but i hate my "new" class so much that I fell like vomit after 5min of play. In the end I fell sad andl cheated.

But i guess not many will get what i'm talking about ;S
Post edited August 02, 2012 by Trid
Trid: I don't know why I ever started play Lineage 2, stupid new update came when you had blindly pick up new class... you screwed up? Pay us 40$ to change it (i know that for some ppl is not that much but for me now it's impossible) , don't want pay? Start again (and waste time doing same thing, what is ~1 year?), rly... and all cuz they were to lazy to put PTS so ppl could test. The best thing is that I rly like to play it with friends but i hate my "new" class so much that I fell like vomit after 5min of play. In the end I fell sad andl cheated.

But i guess not many will get what i'm talking about ;S
You should be playing World Of Warcraft if you are into MMORPGs.
Post edited August 02, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
Trid: I don't know why I ever started play Lineage 2, stupid new update came when you had blindly pick up new class... you screwed up? Pay us 40$ to change it (i know that for some ppl is not that much but for me now it's impossible) , don't want pay? Start again (and waste time doing same thing, what is ~1 year?), rly... and all cuz they were to lazy to put PTS so ppl could test. The best thing is that I rly like to play it with friends but i hate my "new" class so much that I fell like vomit after 5min of play. In the end I fell sad andl cheated.

But i guess not many will get what i'm talking about ;S
macuahuitlgog: You should be playing World Of Warcraft if you are into MMORPGs.
That did not made me fell better at all ;/
Trid: I don't know why I ever started play Lineage 2, stupid new update came when you had blindly pick up new class... you screwed up? Pay us 40$ to change it (i know that for some ppl is not that much but for me now it's impossible) , don't want pay? Start again (and waste time doing same thing, what is ~1 year?), rly... and all cuz they were to lazy to put PTS so ppl could test. The best thing is that I rly like to play it with friends but i hate my "new" class so much that I fell like vomit after 5min of play. In the end I fell sad andl cheated.

But i guess not many will get what i'm talking about ;S
If that upsets, I guess that you shouldn't invest yer time into games that are purely based on grind, because it doesn't matter does an accident or a joyous surprise visits your virtual avatar, you'll just end up grinding s'more.
macuahuitlgog: You should be playing World Of Warcraft if you are into MMORPGs.
Trid: That did not made me fell better at all ;/
I wasn't trying to make you feel better, I was trying to say, stop playing Lineage II if the game makes you post in the "bitch about life in general" thread and start playing WOW if you are into MMORPGs. Of course, if you are a masochist, continue playing Lineage II. The point of my words is to make your life better in the future. If you seek comfort, sorry, can't help you there.
It would be briliant idea, but keep in mind that L2 is F2P now, and for WoW you need to pay, as i lost job and can't afford to change class then i can't afford WoW too.

And i'm not bitching about game, but about poor company decision and they greed, in the past there was always public test server where you could test new content, but when the biggest expansion was about to come out, with rly big changes (my prev class basicly don't exist anymore, and nothing samiliar to it) they didn't do it, they just provided patch notest that didn't tell you much. So blind choice and if you are screwed you must to pay.

And i don't playing for about 7 months (when i realized that i made big mistake), but it's still making me angry when i think about it. And today it's just one of that days (I rly loved that game in the past) :)

I guess i have just bad day today.
Post edited August 02, 2012 by Trid
Trid: It would be briliant idea, but keep in mind that L2 is F2P now, and for WoW you need to pay, as i lost job and can't afford to change class then i can't afford WoW too.

And i'm not biching about game, but about poor company decision and they greed, in the past there was always public test server where you could test new content, but when the biggest expansion was about to come out, with rly big changes (my prev class basicly don't exist anymore, and nothing samiliar to it) they didn't do it, they just provided patch notest that didn't tell you much. So blind choice and if you are screwed you must to pay.

And i don't playing for about 7 months, but it's still making me angry when i think about it. And today it's just one of that days (I rly loved that game in the past) :)

I guess i have just bad day today.
The company's decisions and greed can only piss you off if you are playing their game. I guess I was wrong to recommend WOW if greed pisses you off considering every time I think of Blizzard, the word "greed" pops into my mind. Unfortunately I do not know of any F2P games to recommend because I think they all suck because nothing good in this world is free. What about Guild Wars? You pay once and that is it. Sorry to hear that you lost your job.
Post edited August 02, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
Trid: It would be briliant idea, but keep in mind that L2 is F2P now, and for WoW you need to pay, as i lost job and can't afford to change class then i can't afford WoW too.

And i'm not biching about game, but about poor company decision and they greed, in the past there was always public test server where you could test new content, but when the biggest expansion was about to come out, with rly big changes (my prev class basicly don't exist anymore, and nothing samiliar to it) they didn't do it, they just provided patch notest that didn't tell you much. So blind choice and if you are screwed you must to pay.

And i don't playing for about 7 months, but it's still making me angry when i think about it. And today it's just one of that days (I rly loved that game in the past) :)

I guess i have just bad day today.
macuahuitlgog: The company's decisions and greed can only piss you off if your playing their game. I guess I was wrong to recommend WOW if greed pisses you off considering every time I think of Blizzard, the word "greed" pops into my mind. Unfortunately I do not know of any F2P games to recommend because I think they all suck because nothing good in this world is free.
Hahaha, well, It's just that i fell cheated about that situation with NC Soft. From my point of view they could play it more fair in the past. I know that they need to make money but...

As i said, I don't play L2 anymore, but I'm in touch with friends from there (sometimes login to chat), and sometimes i fell like playing with them, and then that situation come back. :) And i don't want to start anything again :)

In the end I fell better after writing about it :)
Post edited August 02, 2012 by Trid
Gotta bitch about myself here. I'm on a business trip, doing some maintenance / repair / training at a few customers. The second customer asked a week back about getting a back-up PC, software pre-installed, along with an ISA-slot card that interfaces with the machine. The card comes in three versions, based on the iteration of the software. I have in stock one each of used gen 2 and gen 3 cards; the customer needs a gen 3.

Great. I get everything ready to go. Quadruple-checked that I was bringing the right card since they look almost identical. Get to the customer and realized I still managed to bring the wrong one. What I thought I needed was, well, incorrect. I guess I correctly brought the incorrect card. Called the wife yesterday morning and asked if she could ship it. Luckily enough, she had to take some time from work anyway to meet up for my Dad's doctor appointment. So she swung by The UPS Store to overnight it; $133.xx later and I get the card this morning. Works fine. Yay.

Good thing I was scheduled for two days else this could have been a mess. But I'm a bit miffed at myself for the $133 error. Friggin' stupid thing to do, especially since my margin on this item is already thin due to an expensive factory refurb.
Post edited August 02, 2012 by HereForTheBeer
I was out trying to get some errands done, mainly doctor's appointments and buying school supplies. Unfortunately when I was having breakfast that morning, one of the most tragic events of my life happened.
Trid: That did not made me fell better at all ;/
macuahuitlgog: I wasn't trying to make you feel better, I was trying to say, stop playing Lineage II if the game makes you post in the "bitch about life in general" thread and start playing WOW if you are into MMORPGs. Of course, if you are a masochist, continue playing Lineage II. The point of my words is to make your life better in the future. If you seek comfort, sorry, can't help you there.
WOW is one of the most fucking boring MMORPGs out there, I could name 5 that would cost dick all to try out and be way more satisfying in the end. Please don't recommend WOW just because it's popular...

Also, L2 actually used to be rather fun, way too grindy, but they just didn't save their grind for end game, if you were in a progression guild for the first few years of WOW, 98% of your playtime was every bit as grindy as playing L2.
HereForTheBeer: Good thing I was scheduled for two days else this could have been a mess. But I'm a bit miffed at myself for the $133 error. Friggin' stupid thing to do, especially since my margin on this item is already thin due to an expensive factory refurb.
Yeah, nothing like feeling you're paying someone else for the pleasure of working your ass off for em. Sorry to hear about the bad luck, hopefully you being stand up will lead to more lucrative work from them and their buds in the future.
Post edited August 02, 2012 by orcishgamer
Yeah, it all worked out in the end, thanks to my wife, but that's just money down the toilet. Dumb dumb dumb. Lesson learned, hopefully. : )
macuahuitlgog: I wasn't trying to make you feel better, I was trying to say, stop playing Lineage II if the game makes you post in the "bitch about life in general" thread and start playing WOW if you are into MMORPGs. Of course, if you are a masochist, continue playing Lineage II. The point of my words is to make your life better in the future. If you seek comfort, sorry, can't help you there.
orcishgamer: WOW is one of the most fucking boring MMORPGs out there, I could name 5 that would cost dick all to try out and be way more satisfying in the end. Please don't recommend WOW just because it's popular...

Also, L2 actually used to be rather fun, way too grindy, but they just didn't save their grind for end game, if you were in a progression guild for the first few years of WOW, 98% of your playtime was every bit as grindy as playing L2.
HereForTheBeer: Good thing I was scheduled for two days else this could have been a mess. But I'm a bit miffed at myself for the $133 error. Friggin' stupid thing to do, especially since my margin on this item is already thin due to an expensive factory refurb.
orcishgamer: Yeah, nothing like feeling you're paying someone else for the pleasure of working your ass off for em. Sorry to hear about the bad luck, hopefully you being stand up will lead to more lucrative work from them and their buds in the future.
Ok, name the 5.
macuahuitlgog: Ok, name the 5.
Path of Exile (still in closed beta)
Rusty Hearts
The following by reputation:
Eden Eternal
Allods Online
Age of Conan
Aion (I actually have played a bit of this, but using someone else's toon, so I cannot say I have had the full experience)
DC Universe Online

Possible titles to watch (but I can't say for sure as I'm not in beta):
Pathfinder Online
Dungeon Hero

Free games that are not MMORPGs yet F2P and rock your socks:
World of Tanks
League of Legends
Firefall (not out yet, but I have played beta, trust me it's good)
Age of Empires Online
People get obsessed with the stupidest shit in this country. Right now our hot-button topic is whether or not you hate gays because you like Chick-Fil-A sandwiches. Seriously, it's a total fucking loss no matter what you do. You could not eat at Chick-Fil-A, but then you aren't eating some of the most delicious chicken ever fried and put on a buttered bun with a pickle, and anyone who thinks that is a good situation is either a masochist or a vegan. Or, you could go in and eat, and have people clubbing you like the pedophile-supporting KKK member they know you are. Or, even worse, you could be close-talked to by some glad-handing bigot (because anyone who eats at Chick-Fil-A now is part of some special inner-circle support group), going on about how America must be cleansed of all the niggers and faggots in the world.

I need a stay-at-home job, and I need Chick-Fil-A to take up incognito delivery. While I'm at it, get me an elephant that vomits $20s every time you tickle it's belly.