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I had a bit of a personal breakdown. I have been stressing over paying for college and my new job and family related issues that I kept it all in and let it all out at once. It sucks.
I hate when someone promises they will get back to you about something, and don't. Then, when you try to track them down, they suddenly pull a disappearing act
Post edited August 12, 2012 by EC-
nijuu: Met two super awesome girls (both asian and really my type...) , both pretty and have personality plus. Unfortunately both have bfs. HAHAHAH... Ahhhh life, you do laugh at me!!!.. ****.........
BF'S With huge Ripped bodies I bet. the Alpha Male type I bet.
EC-: I'm so bored with everyone and everything around me. I can't even have a good time with bowling or video games anymore, which used to be two of my favorite hobbies. I just lost my job and had to move back in with the rents. To be quite honest, I hardly even give a damn about myself or how I look (physically or professionally). It's become a challenge to really even climb out of bed in the morning, and the only reason I do it is because I don't want my Pops to start flipping out on me. People aren't meant to need extrinsic motivation just to simply survive. I feel very weary for being so young.
Holy shit did I just look in the mirror at myself when I saw your post. Sounds Like you and Me both have a touch of depression. I gotta go back to the dentist soon and have four front teeth extracted but he is a brutal S.O.B. of a dentist stuck the needle in last time and HIT THE F****ING NERVE I don't wanna go back but he has my X-rays and Medicare forms. I too scared the pr*ck is gonna do some SERIOUS DAMAGE like I dunno KILL ME or leave me Permanently leave me in pain or Numb.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
nijuu: Met two super awesome girls (both asian and really my type...) , both pretty and have personality plus. Unfortunately both have bfs. HAHAHAH... Ahhhh life, you do laugh at me!!!.. ****.........
"The best players are bought out of existing contracts". Or however that translates into english.

Getting a girl that has a boyfriend is usually a lot easier than one that is single, a lot less expectations. And you get all those "no strings attached" on top of it.
nijuu: Met two super awesome girls (both asian and really my type...) , both pretty and have personality plus. Unfortunately both have bfs. HAHAHAH... Ahhhh life, you do laugh at me!!!.. ****.........
SimonG: "The best players are bought out of existing contracts". Or however that translates into english.

Getting a girl that has a boyfriend is usually a lot easier than one that is single, a lot less expectations. And you get all those "no strings attached" on top of it.
Maybe he doesn't just want to fuck a slut with STDs? But I agree, the sluts with boyfriends out there, are the easiest to get if all you care about is getting laid.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
fr33kSh0w2012: Holy shit did I just look in the mirror at myself when I saw your post. Sounds Like you and Me both have a touch of depression. I gotta go back to the dentist soon and have four front teeth extracted but he is a brutal S.O.B. of a dentist stuck the needle in last time and HIT THE F****ING NERVE I don't wanna go back but he has my X-rays and Medicare forms. I too scared the pr*ck is gonna do some SERIOUS DAMAGE like I dunno KILL ME or leave me Permanently leave me in pain or Numb.
Perhaps, I dunno. Hard to do anything about it in the US without health insurance.

That sucks about your dentist. Can you find a new one?
EC-: I'm so bored with everyone and everything around me. I can't even have a good time with bowling or video games anymore, which used to be two of my favorite hobbies. I just lost my job and had to move back in with the rents. To be quite honest, I hardly even give a damn about myself or how I look (physically or professionally). It's become a challenge to really even climb out of bed in the morning, and the only reason I do it is because I don't want my Pops to start flipping out on me. People aren't meant to need extrinsic motivation just to simply survive. I feel very weary for being so young.
Umm, that sounds like clinical depression to me (I am not a doctor, but you SHOULD go see one, now). The good news is, it's usually not "forever", the bad news is it doesn't always get better on its own and even if it does it'll go pretty slowly without treatment.
EC-: Perhaps, I dunno. Hard to do anything about it in the US without health insurance.
Find some sort of free clinic. If all you can get is a script for medication do that. Find a free counselor, and talk to them enough that they can tell if your script is fucking you up more than helping. I don't know about all of them, but many medications are pretty low cost, you should be able to out of pocket it without too much pain the wallet.
SimonG: "The best players are bought out of existing contracts". Or however that translates into english.

Getting a girl that has a boyfriend is usually a lot easier than one that is single, a lot less expectations. And you get all those "no strings attached" on top of it.
macuahuitlgog: Maybe he doesn't just want to fuck a slut with STDs? But I agree, the sluts with boyfriends out there, are the easiest to get if all you care about is getting laid.
Bah, first of all, they're not "sluts" just because they like sex. And loyalty to a semi-serious (or not even serious) boyfriend/girlfriend is overrated, the entire point of dating is to find someone who doesn't suck (most people do, in one way or another).

So yeah, get sex, I wholeheartedly agree, in addition, it's usually damn hot sex too:)

As for VD/STD/STIs (which one of those you recognize tells you how old you are, btw), use a condom. Seriously, it's not hard. Transmission rates for oral on a female are extremely low, even oral on the male is lower than vaginal sex. Use one for vaginal or anal ALWAYS and know what an infection looks like, if you see signs of rash or whatever let the back of your mind scream "Pull up, Pull up!" and forget about the sex. Except for HIV you know if you've gotten an infection within 3 days or so. HSV I and II maybe not, lots of people are carriers and condoms don't really protect against it, just refuse to have sex with someone who has an outbreak and you'll minimize your chances.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by orcishgamer
EC-: I'm so bored with everyone and everything around me. I can't even have a good time with bowling or video games anymore, which used to be two of my favorite hobbies. I just lost my job and had to move back in with the rents. To be quite honest, I hardly even give a damn about myself or how I look (physically or professionally). It's become a challenge to really even climb out of bed in the morning, and the only reason I do it is because I don't want my Pops to start flipping out on me. People aren't meant to need extrinsic motivation just to simply survive. I feel very weary for being so young.
orcishgamer: Umm, that sounds like clinical depression to me (I am not a doctor, but you SHOULD go see one, now). The good news is, it's usually not "forever", the bad news is it doesn't always get better on its own and even if it does it'll go pretty slowly without treatment.
EC-: Perhaps, I dunno. Hard to do anything about it in the US without health insurance.
orcishgamer: Find some sort of free clinic. If all you can get is a script for medication do that. Find a free counselor, and talk to them enough that they can tell if your script is fucking you up more than helping. I don't know about all of them, but many medications are pretty low cost, you should be able to out of pocket it without too much pain the wallet.
macuahuitlgog: Maybe he doesn't just want to fuck a slut with STDs? But I agree, the sluts with boyfriends out there, are the easiest to get if all you care about is getting laid.
orcishgamer: Bah, first of all, they're not "sluts" just because they like sex. And loyalty to a semi-serious (or not even serious) boyfriend/girlfriend is overrated, the entire point of dating is to find someone who doesn't suck (most people do, in one way or another).

So yeah, get sex, I wholeheartedly agree, in addition, it's usually damn hot sex too:)

As for VD/STD/STIs (which one of those you recognize tells you how old you are, btw), use a condom. Seriously, it's not hard. Transmission rates for oral on a female are extremely low, even oral on the male is lower than vaginal sex. Use one for vaginal or anal ALWAYS and know what an infection looks like, if you see signs of rash or whatever let the back of your mind scream "Pull up, Pull up!" and forget about the sex. Except for HIV you know if you've gotten an infection within 3 days or so. HSV I and II maybe not, lots of people are carriers and condoms don't really protect against it, just refuse to have sex with someone who has an outbreak and you'll minimize your chances.
1 # Loyalty is not overrated. 2 # Cheating on someone and liking sex are two different things.

In your mind, these women may be angels that were sent to earth but in reality, they are sluts. I don't hate sluts. I'm just saying, they are sluts and I think sluts are more likely to have STDs. Having sex with a lot of people VS having sex with 1 person. It is common sense, if you are having sex with a lot of people instead of having sex with 1 person, you are more likely to have STDs. And condoms are not some kind of magic force field against them, the kind of magic force fields you find in Baldur's Gate 2 etc so I don't really see why these kind of women are appealing to some of you guys. They are kind of dangerous. But whatever, screw who you want to screw, but don't tell me women who screw around on their boyfriends & husbands aren't sluts.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
fr33kSh0w2012: Holy shit did I just look in the mirror at myself when I saw your post. Sounds Like you and Me both have a touch of depression. I gotta go back to the dentist soon and have four front teeth extracted but he is a brutal S.O.B. of a dentist stuck the needle in last time and HIT THE F****ING NERVE I don't wanna go back but he has my X-rays and Medicare forms. I too scared the pr*ck is gonna do some SERIOUS DAMAGE like I dunno KILL ME or leave me Permanently leave me in pain or Numb.
EC-: Perhaps, I dunno. Hard to do anything about it in the US without health insurance.

That sucks about your dentist. Can you find a new one?
Nope He's the only one there that will touch my teeth. I live in Australia dude Australia is like a Nice version of America or so I'm told. Kills like hell when the dentist does that type of shit and Rips your teeth out with PLIERS!!!
Post edited August 12, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
orcishgamer: As for VD/STD/STIs (which one of those you recognize tells you how old you are, btw)
I commonly use STD when typing, Just saves me a few more milliseconds the STI or VD due to my hand positions when typing.
orcishgamer: As for VD/STD/STIs (which one of those you recognize tells you how old you are, btw)
Nroug7: I commonly use STD when typing, Just saves me a few more milliseconds the STI or VD due to my hand positions when typing.
venereal disease LOL i'm old 29 I feel 65 though I was an ELITE PC player hours spent on gaming never went pro gamer though did want to though my hands shake too much these days I'd rather break in a virgin girl though nice 'n tight and No VD/STI's/STD's to speak of which is why I like virgin girls for they are shy "that way" at first but once you get 'em up and running WOW dude they blow your mind. You love 'em to bits.
macuahuitlgog: 1 # Loyalty is not overrated. 2 # Cheating on someone and liking sex are two different things.

In your mind, these women may be angels that were sent to earth but in reality, they are sluts. I don't hate sluts. I'm just saying, they are sluts and I think sluts are more likely to have STDs. Having sex with a lot of people VS having sex with 1 person. It is common sense, if you are having sex with a lot of people instead of having sex with 1 person, you are more likely to have STDs. And condoms are not some kind of magic force field against them, the kind of magic force fields you find in Baldur's Gate 2 etc so I don't really see why these kind of women are appealing to some of you guys. They are kind of dangerous. But whatever, screw who you want to screw, but don't tell me women who screw around on their boyfriends & husbands aren't sluts.
I mention it because the term is pretty derogatory and overwhelmingly applied to women. Men do sometimes get called sluts as well, but not nearly as often and the threshold of behavior is much different. I don't know if English is your native language or not, but in case it isn't, you may not be aware of the negative and slightly misogynistic connotations of the word.

Finally, I'm terribly aware of how condoms work. You might think you're having sex with just one person, but naive people are more likely to engage in risky behavior without knowing it or even considering it sex. I'd rather sleep with someone who gets themselves checked regularly and knows what to look out for than a naive chick. I consider the latter to be more risky, because at the end of the day, most people engage in more sexual behavior than they let on, even to themselves.
Nroug7: I commonly use STD when typing, Just saves me a few more milliseconds the STI or VD due to my hand positions when typing.
fr33kSh0w2012: venereal disease LOL i'm old 29 I feel 65 though I was an ELITE PC player hours spent on gaming never went pro gamer though did want to though my hands shake too much these days I'd rather break in a virgin girl though nice 'n tight and No VD/STI's/STD's to speak of which is why I like virgin girls for they are shy "that way" at first but once you get 'em up and running WOW dude they blow your mind. You love 'em to bits.
Virgins are the most boring sex I've ever had aside from my ex wife after about 5 years.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by orcishgamer
orcishgamer: Virgins are the most boring sex I've ever had aside from my ex wife after about 5 years.
Oh your thinking of the frigid type
Meaning of frigid:

Being afraid of any interaction with the opposite sex; OR
Being sexually unresponsive, pokerfaced to his/her attempts to kiss/hug/have any interaction with you.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
orcishgamer: Virgins are the most boring sex I've ever had aside from my ex wife after about 5 years.
fr33kSh0w2012: Oh your thinking of the frigid type
Meaning of frigid:

Being afraid of any interaction with the opposite sex; OR
Being sexually unresponsive, pokerfaced to his/her attempts to kiss/hug/have any interaction with you.
No, I'm thinking of the unimaginative type... almost all of them:)
fr33kSh0w2012: Oh your thinking of the frigid type
Meaning of frigid:

Being afraid of any interaction with the opposite sex; OR
Being sexually unresponsive, pokerfaced to his/her attempts to kiss/hug/have any interaction with you.
orcishgamer: No, I'm thinking of the unimaginative type... almost all of them:)
Femicidal maniacs commonly known as feminazi's dude I feel sorry for you Never go near them they lie there and expect YOU to do all the work Geez..
Post edited August 13, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012