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Post edited August 18, 2012 by Elenarie
HereForTheBeer: So we finally got the ball rolling on renovating this old house. (Saayyy - that oughta be a TV show!) 90 years old and who-knows-how-many and -when various things were done to it over the years. Thankfully, it's a sound building overall but that still leaves a lot of things to work on.

This comes about now since the wife decided that we're moving to the country eventually. I think I mentioned that elsewhere, but anyway... So I agree with her, to a point, but I want to stay pretty close in.

But that isn't going to happen until we get this place up to snuff and more presentable from curbside. Gotta get them to WANT to take a look inside, and you don't accomplish that by looking a bit shabby on the outside. Old storm windows, ugly and cheap siding in not-the-best shape, gotta replace a couple roof sections, that sort of thing. Of course, that goes along with all of the interior stuff that needs done, like stripping most of the walls upstairs, patching plaster, adding outlets, correcting electrical (a lot of two-prong stuff in the house), newer light and fan fixtures, etc., etc., etc. This would be easier if it wasn't an old farmhouse style (called "foursquare") popular in the rural Midwest, but there is a character to these places that I feel should be retained. And I like the style.

We started in earnest Saturday, stripping one bedroom, floor to ceiling, to the almost-bare plaster. Discovered that it needs a fair amount of patching in that room but nothing out of the ordinary for the age, and we're thinking we'll find a similar condition for much of the rest of the house - in good shape but shoddy workmanship on the cosmetic stuff. We're pretty sore from all of that scraping of wallpaper and paint, especially after working on the ceiling.

Bad-news good-news: it's only the beginning, but at least we got started. Gotta do the same to the other two bedrooms upstairs, plus the laundry and bath, decide what we actually want to replace and what to change / rearrange, and decide what we can do ourselves versus hiring out for the work. I sense a long, painful odyssey ahead and it wouldn't surprise me if we decide to stay here once we get it done.
Check for the original siding under that cheap shit. Restoring siding on a house that old is usually worth it as it's a wood than you typically can't use anymore (due to cost). Also, I bet all your interior doors are solid core and have about 8 coats of paint, this is probably obvious, but most of that will be lead paint, so be cautious. When my buddy did his house he stripped all doors and cabinets down to the wood and just stained them with a deeper stain. It looks bitching:)

It's probably just easier to hire someone to knock out the landscaping. You'd be surprised how much curbside appeal you can get for relatively cheap that way.

Finally, yeah your windows probably need to go for efficiency, but it's going to be a right bitch to get modern windows to match the look of the home. It's probably worth the expense, though.

If you need, we have some shops here in town that specialize in this kind of thing (selling restored fixtures from demolished buildings and stuff like that), PM me if you want to go that route and I'll send you some phone numbers. Maybe you can bribe someone to give you some pointers.
Post edited August 18, 2012 by orcishgamer
Ex-wives with poor parenting skills should nonetheless know that amusement park rides called "The Screaming Eagle" are probably not appropriate for a 4'7" 11 year old... grr...
Dentist appointment today after I chipped a back tooth - turns out I need it extracted, and given the way it chipped he says it's not going to be easy to take out. Pisses me off, I look after my teeth so well, my morning ritual is almost Patrick Batesmanesque. I barely eat anything sugary but still. Fuck it.
My PS3's wireless speed is sloooowww. I am going to have to see if I am supposed to open certain ports on my router to help it along, as right now it seems capped at about half my actual broadband speed. I may have to put my router on a different channel to reduce radio interference, though I don't think that's the problem.

Being my first modern console, I rather enjoy the system (and the PS Plus service is already worth what I paid, it's like a year rental on a bunch of free games for $50), but I do see what some of the complaints here are all about when talking about the modern systems being "dumbed down computers."

TL:DR- First-World Problems.
EC-: My PS3's wireless speed is sloooowww. I am going to have to see if I am supposed to open certain ports on my router to help it along, as right now it seems capped at about half my actual broadband speed. I may have to put my router on a different channel to reduce radio interference, though I don't think that's the problem.

Being my first modern console, I rather enjoy the system (and the PS Plus service is already worth what I paid, it's like a year rental on a bunch of free games for $50), but I do see what some of the complaints here are all about when talking about the modern systems being "dumbed down computers."

TL:DR- First-World Problems.
Dude, wire it, who wants to play multiplayer games over wireless? Hell, PS3 updates are big I hear, downloading over wired is gonna be way faster.
Goatbrush: Dentist appointment today after I chipped a back tooth - turns out I need it extracted, and given the way it chipped he says it's not going to be easy to take out. Pisses me off, I look after my teeth so well, my morning ritual is almost Patrick Batesmanesque. I barely eat anything sugary but still. Fuck it.
This is purely genetics and whether you were getting dosed with fluoride at a certain age. It's not your fault, my exes' teeth practically rotted out on schedule despite her meticulous care. My enamel is so hard I've never had a cavity, while a I brush properly I can't say I floss properly or probably any of the other things you do. So, yes, you'll have to keep up with your routine, or it'll be even worse, but look forward to the day we can clone teeth, we're almost there.
Post edited August 20, 2012 by orcishgamer
Drove in heavy rain for the first time. Scary as hell.
Note to self, bank account suffers when you are "nice":(
My quest to get buy the new computer (ASUS G75) just continues...

Ok, so yesterday I decided to finally buy it, as I got a nice bonus from work. And the web shop where I decided to get it seemed to have some of them in the inventory earlier yesterday.

A bit later I go to place an order... only to see that they had run out of them again, replaced with a "more coming 20th Sep" message. Seems like I was not the only one getting a summer bonus, after all. Fast ones eat the slow ones, or something.

I start looking for alternative places to get it. Some places are overpriced (no I am not going to pay you extra 50-100€ just for the privilege of getting it from you, when everyone else is selling it for 1399€), but many places seem to have run out of it too. Again.

I find one reputable online shop with it though (same place actually where I bought ASUS Transformer tablet before), at least they say on their web page they have them in inventory, but they don't specify how many. Today I call them to confirm, and the lady says they have two left, so I should place my order right away.

So I do. Except that once again my shitty online bank starts acting up, as if it has Java problems or something. First try to pay it through the online bank hangs forever. So I log in again, check that no payment has left my account, and try again. I get further this time, but now it always gives an unspecified banking error at the very end of the transaction, just telling that I need to re-login. So I try this a few times, always the same end-result.

For those failed tries, I was using the newest Opera browser (in Win7), because I know IE usually fails in these situations when it tries to direct me from the online bank back to the shop, leading to a blank screen and the payment not going through.

So I decide to try Chrome, installing it first. Except that it has apparently been blocked by security settings so that I can't install it even with my admin rights (earlier I could install Opera though.).

So I decide to try Firefox. It lets me install it, but when I try to run it, it gives some odd error and tells me to contact system administrator. So I presume it is blocked too. I uninstall my individual Firefox installation, and place an "order" for a Firefox installation from our IT department. I get an email back that it will arrive to my machine sometime later, maybe today.

I decide I can't wait for that, I give the last try with Opera, by buying it with my credit card (I promised myself earlier I wouldn't use a cc to make the purchase). Wow, I can't believe that it finally seemed to go through! I ordered it so that the laptop will arrive to a certain shop nearby where I can pick it up, and they'll let me know with a SMS when it gets there. Maybe in 1-2 days, I hope.

With my luck, I was late this time too and the two laptops were sold already while I was dicking around with the browsers and my online bank, and I'll be waiting for my order for the next couple of months. That has happened to me once before long time ago, I ordered a PC and even paid for it in advance (biiiig mistake!), and ended up waiting for several weeks for it... But I feel lucky this time.

I think I must at some point switch banks, this f*cking bank I've been using whole my life seems to give these hiccups every now and then when I use their online banking. I had hideous time before to get it work in e.g. Fedora Linux, because the bank was so finicky about the used Java version, so it didn't accept e.g. OpenJava, which seemed to work everywhere else.

tl;dr: Shit happens, but from the pile of poo you may emerge victorious after all.

EDIT: Now Firefox started installing from our dear IT department...
Post edited August 21, 2012 by timppu
I want a new Xbox 360. Sick of having no good games to play.

Oh how the feel of the most genius joypacd design felt in my man-hands. The ease of putting a game in and it working first time. The joy that any 360 can play every 360 game without needing to upgrade the console. Oh how I miss thee and beg forgiveness.

On a more positive not though...

I bought a printer for £24.97 from Tesco. Its s**t but its better than having to rely on others for help.
Maybe software engineering is not where my future lies... had a pretty long skype call with a contractor implicitly accusing me of supplying buggy implementations but just wouldn't stop to show me how buggy my components apparently are.
I admitted that there may be problems and that I would look into it but this guy just didn't stop until he talked me into a literal rage quit on my corporate skype.

Now the conversation has shifted to our bug tracker...
Post edited August 21, 2012 by itti
HereForTheBeer: <snip>
orcishgamer: <snip>
Yeah, we're hoping that the old wood siding is in place. We can see on the porch how it was done originally, with 4" siding and a 2 1/2" reveal. Looks really nice. If it's in decent shape then we'll go with that. If it's gone or really messed-up, it'll be replaced with some maintenance-free alternative. I know, that's not how these old houses are supposed to be done - vinyl, steel, aluminum, whatever - but there are practical considerations, especially if we end up staying here (which is what I want to do).

For as old as it is, and given one remodel it had maybe 20 years ago, it is surprisingly light on coats of paint, wallpaper, stain, etc. In that old bedroom, it was one layer of wallpaper and one layer of paint. Poorly done, mind you, but we were fully expecting 4+ layers of either. Now, on the dining room we did a few years back she did find several layers but they came up easily enough.

So one owner had turned it into a pair of apartments, one up (3 bedroom) and one down (1 bedroom). This is where must of the crappy workmanship comes in, and where we're going to spend most of our time. The stuff that wasn't touched is just old. This stuff was done poorly once, then UNdone poorly and partway after that, to make it back into a single-family home. In the process, the back porch was converted into a kitchen and a bath. A fourth bedroom upstairs was turned into a small kitchen and is now a big laundry. In the process of those, trim got painted, things were cut, old hardware lost, that sort of thing. All perfectly restorable but it just takes time. Fortunately, the foursquare was a popular style around here so there's no shortage of hardware to be found if one knows where to look. But those three rooms in particular were done in the finest 80s cheap-o chic (but the kitchen isn't bad at all) so there is some almost-gutting to be done.

Landscaping is no problem. Strong back / weak mind-type work, and I'm just the guy for that. Well, except that my back is no longer strong. ; ) We've already done a bunch over the years and are ahead of the game here. And we enjoy the labor. Mostly flat lot means stone and brick work only if we want it.

The tough part right now is in evaluation and determination of what it needs, what we want, what's affordable, and what gives the best bang and brings in prospectives. Fortunately, we're rich with expertise in the family but even that causes difficulty since we're presented with a lot more options to choose from. The upside is that we have time.
orcishgamer: Note to self, bank account suffers when you are "nice":(
There is more to life than money.

At least that is what I tell myself in the mirror each morning ...
orcishgamer: This is purely genetics and whether you were getting dosed with fluoride at a certain age. It's not your fault, my exes' teeth practically rotted out on schedule despite her meticulous care. My enamel is so hard I've never had a cavity, while a I brush properly I can't say I floss properly or probably any of the other things you do. So, yes, you'll have to keep up with your routine, or it'll be even worse, but look forward to the day we can clone teeth, we're almost there.
I guess so, I know my grandmother had pyorrhea and lost her teeth quite young - and I can't say strong teeth runs in the family at all. Ah well. I guess given it's only the back tooth I'm having trouble with it won't be visible.
Super bludge time at work.Problem is. Bored of looking like im working (a boss boss said if nothing to do prete...nd to work) desk is faced in a way people in row behind me (different department) can see much of what im doing on laptop so im sticking to reading ebook pdf's & sites without too much graphics (im using a hotspot)...having a page full of html source code up much of time makes like im working but its getting tiring lol

going to be like this for rest of the week...
Post edited August 21, 2012 by nijuu