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orcishgamer: No, I'm thinking of the unimaginative type... almost all of them:)
fr33kSh0w2012: Femicidal maniacs commonly known as feminazi's dude I feel sorry for you Never go near them they lie there and expect YOU to do all the work Geez..
That's why I don't go near them:)

I could have said that better, I'm fucking drunk. I go for the sex maniacs, it's just me.
fr33kSh0w2012: Femicidal maniacs commonly known as feminazi's dude I feel sorry for you Never go near them they lie there and expect YOU to do all the work Geez..
orcishgamer: That's why I don't go near them:)

I could have said that better, I'm fucking drunk. I go for the sex maniacs, it's just me.
EC-: I'm so bored with everyone and everything around me. I can't even have a good time with bowling or video games anymore, which used to be two of my favorite hobbies. I just lost my job and had to move back in with the rents. To be quite honest, I hardly even give a damn about myself or how I look (physically or professionally). It's become a challenge to really even climb out of bed in the morning, and the only reason I do it is because I don't want my Pops to start flipping out on me. People aren't meant to need extrinsic motivation just to simply survive. I feel very weary for being so young.
I'm not at all in a position to compare or judge or anything like that, but I fell a little hard on my face some years back. I lost something which meant the world to me, moved back in with my parents and began looking for a new future. I was very frustrated and despaired after my loss. Being physically active and caring for myself was one of the things which really helped me rise up again.

So, I hope you'll consider doing something physical in addition to other ways of working through this. Do something you like (and which works) regularly and keep at it. It'll probably add to your personal resources against stress.
Post edited August 13, 2012 by Primate
orcishgamer: 1 # Loyalty is not overrated. 2 # Cheating on someone and liking sex are two different things.
but don't tell me women who screw around on their boyfriends & husbands aren't sluts.
A private matter in itself (as long as no one breaks the law), but I think there better be a very good reason for cheating on someone who trusts you.

orcishgamer: the term is pretty derogatory and overwhelmingly applied to women. Men do sometimes get called sluts as well, but not nearly as often and the threshold of behavior is much different.
Agree! I don't see anything wrong with promiscuity as long as no one gets burned unreasonably.
IT lesson number one:

Never trust people with admin rights, regardless of whether they need them for some old CRAPplications or not.

IT lesson number two:

Never trust people that have friends who think how remote desktop and security works.

IT lesson number three:

Never trust people who think they can handle IT related problems, like taking a stupid machine to another company just for a fucking SINGLE retarded application to be installed, and not formatting the whole freaking machine.


Long story short, we were forced to buy a new system for my dad's company. It came with 7 Starter and Office 2010 Starter, the main reason why I got that edition in the first place. Fuckingly amazing, I had to enable admin rights for some crappy old applications that the accountant need to use. Told her not to freaking use the damn thing for anything else.

Jumping a few months... What actually had happened... she was having problems with the stupid accounting application, not working correctly. She took the PC, without fucking telling me, to a store that develops / sells the damn application. They formatted the machine, and configured Windows to work with the crap, not the other way around.

I see the Office 2010 Starter gone, de-freaking-leted. License in use doesn't match license bought. Loads of shit installed, many network ports opened. Team Viewer one of the most ran applications. Shit-load of worms and spyware present too.

Also, got to love a bunch of pirated applications (in a business environment, yey!) being installed, I had to spend the whole night cleaning up the damn thing. I ragequited so badly, and last night was the last fucking time I'd ever fucking do anything to help this company (even though my dad's a 50% owner).
Elenarie: I ragequited so badly, and last night was the last fucking time I'd ever fucking do anything to help this company (even though my dad's a 50% owner).
Ugh, I'm sorry. It's easy to get fucked over doing charity work for others through family connections. Been there quite a few times, so I certainly have empathy for the way you are feeling. It's not a simple situation. Hopefully, your Dad has some understanding about your frustrations.
EC-: Ugh, I'm sorry. It's easy to get fucked over doing charity work for others through family connections. Been there quite a few times, so I certainly have empathy for the way you are feeling. It's not a simple situation. Hopefully, your Dad has some understanding about your frustrations.
Well, he knows how the situation is. Funny, the lady that owns the other 50% has her son working fulltime, yet afaik he hasn't shown up for work the last two or three months (always managing his summer bar). He's getting fulltime monthly wage, however.

But I guess there isn't much that can be done, considering that my dad didn't go to university, so he legally cannot make a company on his own, and him making this a big story could be a bad thing for the business (and my family). It has been like this for the last two years, I think... at first everything was 50-50, but now we have a lot less say in how the company handles things. Luckily, my dad is a very good friend with the most influential people in the town, so the other side can't really shut down the company and make one that they would own 100% as their business would suffer badly.

I won't be wasting my nerves anymore however, still having a headache because of the raging this morning. Done with it.
Well, for 3rd night in a row, my internet connection is fucked up. I guess only thing I can compare it with is dial-up, and last time I checked I was paying for 10Mbit link. Well here is finger for you SBB -.-.
Since I changed ISP I have nothing but headaches. With previous one I had 2 problems in 3 years, and this one is broken every other week. Only reason I switched was speed boost that I didn't really need (but sure is nice +300% bonus for same money) I'm really getting pissed off. Oh and every time cable guys come to fix it, it works for some time and ends up getting even more broken. Hell, one of last times they even ripped my socket so they could connect it to the wire directly. I still have the damn hole in the wall.
Google Chrome gets worse with every update. Now my new tab page is completely f'd, and there's no support documents to help me. Any browser recommendations while I'm still pissed @ Google?
fr33kSh0w2012: Femicidal maniacs commonly known as feminazi's dude I feel sorry for you Never go near them they lie there and expect YOU to do all the work Geez..
orcishgamer: That's why I don't go near them:)

I could have said that better, I'm fucking drunk. I go for the sex maniacs, it's just me.
So it's just you. As we know you! MAD AND GREEN!
orcishgamer: That's why I don't go near them:)

I could have said that better, I'm fucking drunk. I go for the sex maniacs, it's just me.
Nroug7: So it's just you. As we know you! MAD AND GREEN!
Yeah, I should add "usually drunk" in there somewhere too:)

I'm learning to not get worked up too much these days, usually if I take the piss outta someone it's more for fun than too much malice. I can't genuinely be arsed to care about anything but the most dickheaded behavior:)

The green thing, though, takes the girlies a bit of getting used to. By the end they all dig it!
So we finally got the ball rolling on renovating this old house. (Saayyy - that oughta be a TV show!) 90 years old and who-knows-how-many and -when various things were done to it over the years. Thankfully, it's a sound building overall but that still leaves a lot of things to work on.

This comes about now since the wife decided that we're moving to the country eventually. I think I mentioned that elsewhere, but anyway... So I agree with her, to a point, but I want to stay pretty close in.

But that isn't going to happen until we get this place up to snuff and more presentable from curbside. Gotta get them to WANT to take a look inside, and you don't accomplish that by looking a bit shabby on the outside. Old storm windows, ugly and cheap siding in not-the-best shape, gotta replace a couple roof sections, that sort of thing. Of course, that goes along with all of the interior stuff that needs done, like stripping most of the walls upstairs, patching plaster, adding outlets, correcting electrical (a lot of two-prong stuff in the house), newer light and fan fixtures, etc., etc., etc. This would be easier if it wasn't an old farmhouse style (called "foursquare") popular in the rural Midwest, but there is a character to these places that I feel should be retained. And I like the style.

We started in earnest Saturday, stripping one bedroom, floor to ceiling, to the almost-bare plaster. Discovered that it needs a fair amount of patching in that room but nothing out of the ordinary for the age, and we're thinking we'll find a similar condition for much of the rest of the house - in good shape but shoddy workmanship on the cosmetic stuff. We're pretty sore from all of that scraping of wallpaper and paint, especially after working on the ceiling.

Bad-news good-news: it's only the beginning, but at least we got started. Gotta do the same to the other two bedrooms upstairs, plus the laundry and bath, decide what we actually want to replace and what to change / rearrange, and decide what we can do ourselves versus hiring out for the work. I sense a long, painful odyssey ahead and it wouldn't surprise me if we decide to stay here once we get it done.
Elenarie: IT lesson number one:

Never trust people with admin rights, regardless of whether they need them for some old CRAPplications or not.

IT lesson number two:

Never trust people that have friends who think how remote desktop and security works.

IT lesson number three:

Never trust people who think they can handle IT related problems, like taking a stupid machine to another company just for a fucking SINGLE retarded application to be installed, and not formatting the whole freaking machine.

IT lesson number four :

Never trust people who claim to be in the IT field & know their stuff ;)
What the heck? Has my employer suddenly blocked Youtube, or why does every Youtube video I try to watch give an error "An error has occurred, please try again later."? So the Youtube pages load ok, but none of the videos are shown.

That happens both with my work LAN and WLAN, but if I use my personal 3G connection instead on the same laptop, Youtube works fine.

Fjuck, if I can't watch some silly Youtube video while I'm waiting for some job to finish in the background...

UPDATE: Now they work, at least with WLAN. But Internet on my work laptop is acting up, I had hard time to get a connection with either WLAN, or the 3G USB mokkula + VPN. I'm starting to wonder if I have some unwanted critters on my work laptop, because this seems quite a common occurence... That should teach me downloading all kinds of freeware games from internet. Malwarebytes or OfficeScan don't seem to find anything, though.
Post edited August 17, 2012 by timppu
Institutionalized prostitution...WTF. BRING IT BACK.
Post edited August 17, 2012 by scampywiak