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Copying 11000 words from LibreOffice to Notepad = 1 second.

Copying 11000 words from LibreOffice to a page using JavaScript = 2 minutes, and I couldn't wait longer, killed the process.

Why people hail this CrapScript so much is beyond me.
orcishgamer: Note to self, bank account suffers when you are "nice":(
SimonG: There is more to life than money.

At least that is what I tell myself in the mirror each morning ...
Lol, well it doesn't help that I have the co-pays for my appendectomy coming in right now at the same time I'm trying to do work on my car AND trying to help out some needy family members (for a decent reason for once). I have savings and that's what it's for, but I feel like a colossal fucking failure when I take money out of savings instead of put it in for the month. And I'll be throwing down a lot for PAX as usual at the end of the month.

I know, I know, there are way worse problems to have, just kind of gets to me after awhile.
I am going to murder the next guy that gives me a locked template made in Office 2003 using shit ass fonts and styles.

Who the fuck uses Times New freaking Roman with size 9 for writing documents these days, for fuck's sake!?

Take your TNR and Arial crap and put it in your ass.

While I'm at it....

You JavaScript retards take your crap off the stupid OS. So we're now going to have web shit instead of you know, like, normal fucking applications that work the way you expect them to, and not fucking crash, delete your stuff, or kill you while you're not even fucking using them.


While I'm at it x2.......

8's built-in applications are fucking pathetic. I dunno who developed and designed them, but they are showcasing the Modern UI it its fucking worst light.

How the fuck can you not follow your own guidelines is beyond me...

Also... fucking ads in the fucking Weather application!? What the fuck are you drinking?

JESUS FUCKING FUCK. The only good WinRT stuff that I've seen this whole year of using various editions has been Internet Explorer. Of course, that one isn't done in FuckScript.

Oh, and Cocktail Flow... which... /ringing bells... is not developed by MS.
Post edited August 22, 2012 by Elenarie
Like a complete idiot, I just watched a video online that exposed me to a couple spoilers for Spec Ops: The Line. I feel like it's ruined for me now, which sucks because I really wanted to play it.
EC-: Like a complete idiot, I just watched a video online that exposed me to a couple spoilers for Spec Ops: The Line. I feel like it's ruined for me now, which sucks because I really wanted to play it.
1) Play it anyway!
2) And, dude, we all tried to warn you dozens of times!
EC-: Like a complete idiot, I just watched a video online that exposed me to a couple spoilers for Spec Ops: The Line. I feel like it's ruined for me now, which sucks because I really wanted to play it.
Don't worry, I played Final Fantasy 7 through knowing beforehand the faith of certain lead character in the middle of the game. Internets was full of talk about it, no one could miss it even if he wanted to.

My bittersweet bitching of today is that as I am away from home right now, I don't dare to try to setup my ASUS G75 laptop (which I have here with me right now, but I'm not using it at the moment). It'll have to wait until late Sunday when I get back home.

It is just that here I am dependent on my mobile 3G net connection, and I am unsure if the initial setup would need a good eth internet connection to make the setup work as smoothly as possible (e.g. does it try to download latest versions of some files if it can detect internet connectivity, before using the files, etc.). Also I don't have here any CD-R or DVD-R discs, in case it asks me to make some recovery CD-R or something.

Probably it doesn't really matter, but I just want to be prepared for anything...
Stop autocorrecting my stupid words, you fucking piece of shit.

Jesus fuck! The build in WinRT freaking applications are a freaking disaster.
EC-: Like a complete idiot, I just watched a video online that exposed me to a couple spoilers for Spec Ops: The Line. I feel like it's ruined for me now, which sucks because I really wanted to play it.
Never watch or read anything about a book/game/movie you know you will see in the future. It is pointless to start with and it can only hurt the fun you might have with that game/movie/book.

It certainly doesn't make it any less good, but there is some genuine amazement you miss out when you figure out something yourself for the first time.
Told everyone that would/could contact me to NOT contact me from 14:00 onwards today due to my early access to Guild Wars 2

So of course I've only got 30 mins play time in since then (it's 18:19 here atm)...

*shakes fist*

I gave Girlfriend a papercraft aquarium the other day. I haven't got the most nimble fingers of all time nor had I ever made one of those before so the end result was slightly on the shoddy side, but I put my heart and about six hours to it, hoping it would do as a symbol of my affection that wouldn't drive me bankrupt. She probably failed to notice the fact that I had spent a not inconsiderable amount of my time entirely on creating something for her, since today I received several hours' worth of bollocking and whining and stupid questions about our relationship which she demanded I should answer right away. Answering, naturally, inspired more bollocking and whining and questions, so I stopped after a while in the hopes that she'd just shut up. I felt like the guy who you occasionally see on the supermarket queue, standing silently and embarrassed as hell while his wife shouts at him the whole time, albeit I had the advantage of this shit happening on instant messaging.

I think I'll have a long break from making anything with my own hands for her. I'd rather use the time for something more beneficial, like manually copying the Collins Advanced Dictionary on my skin.
AlKim: I gave Girlfriend a papercraft aquarium the other day. I haven't got the most nimble fingers of all time nor had I ever made one of those before so the end result was slightly on the shoddy side, but I put my heart and about six hours to it, hoping it would do as a symbol of my affection that wouldn't drive me bankrupt. She probably failed to notice the fact that I had spent a not inconsiderable amount of my time entirely on creating something for her, since today I received several hours' worth of bollocking and whining and stupid questions about our relationship which she demanded I should answer right away. Answering, naturally, inspired more bollocking and whining and questions, so I stopped after a while in the hopes that she'd just shut up. I felt like the guy who you occasionally see on the supermarket queue, standing silently and embarrassed as hell while his wife shouts at him the whole time, albeit I had the advantage of this shit happening on instant messaging.

I think I'll have a long break from making anything with my own hands for her. I'd rather use the time for something more beneficial, like manually copying the Collins Advanced Dictionary on my skin.
I'm gonna just go ahead and guess you're girlfriend's age, you just tell me if I'm close or not... 23?
Elenarie: I am going to murder the next guy that gives me a locked template made in Office 2003 using shit ass fonts and styles.

Whats your email address? hahaha joking bro ;)

New roommate. a chick. around my age. She is cute BUT She is noisy;She makes a right mess of the bathroom after a shower; doesn't really clean up after herself in kitchen; she slams door closed a lot loudly. And now i notice several cans of cat food in fridge (have shared kitchen and bathroom here). When she doesn't have any cats. thought id throw that one in hahaha
Post edited August 25, 2012 by nijuu
Elenarie: I am going to murder the next guy that gives me a locked template made in Office 2003 using shit ass fonts and styles.

nijuu: Whats your email address? hahaha joking bro ;)

New roommate. a chick. around my age. She is cute BUT She is noisy;She makes a right mess of the bathroom after a shower; doesn't really clean up after herself in kitchen; she slams door closed a lot loudly. And now i notice several cans of cat food in fridge (have shared kitchen and bathroom here). When she doesn't have any cats. thought id throw that one in hahaha
Tell her you're not her mom and not to be such a slob! That sounds like a lot of my work mates, can't clean shit up for anything. The 3 polite people in the office pick up after them. Disgusting.
Post edited August 26, 2012 by orcishgamer

Whoosh! There, gone! A magic trick! :)
Post edited August 27, 2012 by timppu
Ah, dammit already.

Patching and installing 101:

If patching the files is taking more time than just replacing them... Just freaking replace the damn files.

While I'm at it... who in god's name developed Diablo 3's installer? My cat is able to do something better, and her installer won't take more than a freaking hour to ex-freaking-track a few GBs.