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PandaLiang: Made up the mind to take a challenging but very intereting course in university.

No particular requirement on registration page. Great!

2 hours later, from counselor: "You are not allowed to take this course, I have deregistered you from the course......"

WTF? In what university does a counselor get any say whatsoever in what courses you take? If you're paying for it and on track to graduate they can fuck right off.

Sign back up, imo, and take it to the next step higher, complain to the dean and the school paper. That is bullshit.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by orcishgamer
PandaLiang: Made up the mind to take a challenging but very intereting course in university.

No particular requirement on registration page. Great!

2 hours later, from counselor: "You are not allowed to take this course, I have deregistered you from the course......"

Kick his ass!
orcishgamer: WTF? In what university does a counselor get any say whatsoever in what courses you take? If you're paying for it and on track to graduate they can fuck right off.

Sign back up, imo, and take it to the next step higher, complain to the dean and the school paper. That is bullshit.
To me the problem really is that if the course has restriction (in this case, restricted to Honour students as the advisor explain), why they do not clearly indicate it at the first place, while all other Honour restricted courses have clear restriction indication! Then I don't need to switch almost half of all my courses in order to fit the schedule, and only now to switch back all those courses one-by-one, and apologize to every professor, that I had sent email to about the registration, about the confusion.

No way to sign back up now, the advisor seems to close the registration for that course.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by PandaLiang
orcishgamer: WTF? In what university does a counselor get any say whatsoever in what courses you take? If you're paying for it and on track to graduate they can fuck right off.

Sign back up, imo, and take it to the next step higher, complain to the dean and the school paper. That is bullshit.
PandaLiang: To me the question really is that if the course has restriction (in this case, restricted to Honour students as the advisor explain), why they do not clearly indicate it at the first place, while all other Honour restricted courses have clear restriction indication! Then I don't need to switch almost half of all my courses in order to fit the schedule, and only now to switch back all those courses one-by-one, and apologize to every professor, that I had sent email to about the registration, about the confusion.

No way to sign back up now, the advisor seems to close the registration for that course.
Clearly there is now only one way for justice to prevail: Punch him in the balls!
After a long summer with the girlfriend I left her today to return to Europe for 3 more months of volunteering. 3 months is a lot shorter than 6, which I did last time, but it still hurts to lose my teammate for so long.

Installing Morrowind on the laptop now, really hope it runs well. Got some old 2D stuff on there too in case. Also a fuckton of Star Trek shows and 80's movies (all of which I own on disc, but downloaded anyway, because ripping is fucking expensive and time consuming).
So, nearly a year of work will probably go down the drain due to some legislative changes.
Yay! If there ever was a time to stop didlying and get back into the game. Enough working for the bloody university, I want to earn money again.

That's why I should have studied physics. At least there the fundamental rules can't be changed on the whim by a band of overpaid teachers.
I so love pulling 6GB of pics from PAX off my SD card and realizing what a fucking shitty photographer I am.
Morrowind runs like ass! Shit!
StingingVelvet: Morrowind runs like ass! Shit!
That sucks
StingingVelvet: Morrowind runs like ass! Shit!
the_bard: That sucks
I just tried Morrowind on my old non-gaming laptop (Lenovo T400), and it runs great, butter-smooth with everything maxxed out (view distance, dynamix shadows, AI etc.). So I am a bit surprised someone would nowadays have even less powerful laptop that can't run it. Ok, T400 wasn't a cheap laptop back in 2008 or so, but it wasn't a gaming laptop either. And nowadays you can buy second-hand T400s for like $300 or even less, I think.

Maybe it is then the damn Intel graphics in the cheapest laptops that can't really run pretty much anything. All the more reason to stay the heck away from them, I guess.

Just for the heck of it, I think I'll try how Morrowind runs on my ancient ThinkPad T41. If it runs acceptably even on it, then I really have to wonder about the capabilities of some newer laptops/Intel graphics.

EDIT: I checked it on T40/T41 too (which was a non-gaming laptop which came out around 2003-2004, selling now second-hand for maybe around $60-100 I think), and Morrowind runs pretty ok on it too even with everything maxxed out (resolution 1024x768), I could see myself playing it on it. The only real performance problem I saw on it was that while you were moving around outside, the game would pause for 1/10th of a second, every 5-10 seconds. It felt a bit distracting, and it seemed to happen more or less regardless of graphics options chosen, I didn't try to inspect more what exactly causes it (some software running in the background, or whatever?). Other than that, I'd say the graphics were "playably smooth" with everything maxxed out.

EDIT2: Scratch that, I restarted my T41 and even went offline just to make sure it is not doing anything in background (like updating Windows), and now the "pause every 5 seconds while walking around" went away. So it was something else, and now Morrowind seems to run quite nicely even on an ancient non-gaming laptop. Not buttersmooth but playably smooth, so more in the 30fps area than e.g. 60fps area.

Considering the age of both T41 and T400 and what they'd run for if you bought them today, I'm surprised if any newer cheapo laptops have severe difficulties with Morrowind. As said, maybe it is the damn Intel graphics then (both of those Thinkpads have some mid-level ATI mobility graphics chipsets from their era). It is evil I say!
Post edited September 08, 2012 by timppu
It's not a gaming laptop, it is a bargain basement $300 laptop I bought specifically for this year long volunteer thing. It doesn't really play anything 3D, to be honest. It uses an Intel GPU 3000.

I'm 90% done with my final backup process and then I shut down my desktop for almost 4 months. Feelin' the pain!
My 11 year old daughter has outgrown almost all her clothes this summer. She's gained 10 pounds and at least 2 inches. She has also outgrown her bras... at 11.

I was not prepared...
nijuu: Whats with all the 'recent' games and indies? Hardly any classic old games have cropped up lately (Lands of Lore doesnt fall into my classics categories.. and King of Dragon Pass is like WTF???!?!?!)
KODP is a masterpiece and it's from 1999. So, yeah.
I do so much HATE life in general. Which my life is finished, but still somuch too do. Feel to obliged not to abandon my parents,collegaue's, this world that I' m trying with all my life to make a better place, but sometimes small rthings knock me off my precious balance, like my father calling me with graphic problems just as i tried to go to bed early this night. I hate having so little self- control I didn't manage to get to sleep at 0:00 for half a week in a row and I 'm so tired. And typing on atablet sucks. So tired of life for now, jet have been without depression for a few weeks now. Guess the heavy work catches up with me. I'm disabled for work but so motivated to make this worlda better plac3, I work harder than healthy as a volunteer.
Go to hell, you stupid pain.