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orcishgamer: I just dropped my favorite vase (and only big vase), it had 2 week old flowers in it and it shattered everywhere, moldy water too (it had just started to fuzz up). I sliced my hand open (on my pinkie finger right above the quick) in that dirty ass water, bled forever, the water shot high enough to hit me in the ear and soaked my shoe, carpet all over the kitchen. The glass took too long to clean, laundry is still going, I had to shower the filth off, and, come to think of it, I have a headache.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit like this just pisses me off. My new flowers are sitting in a quart jar until I buy a new vase.

Oh yeah, my favorite plant is dying and nothing I do is helping, I've had it since I was 9 years old:(
Make sure you disinfect the area where you got cut to avoid infection(Stating the obvious, etc.)......also as for the plant that's dying: Did you try putting a bit of coffee grounds and dried eggshells into the soil of the pot the plant is in? A bit of "fertilizer"(Eggshells/coffee ground/etc.) can often revitalize a dying plant. Also good to try is half a baby aspirin dropped into the soil next to the plant.
orcishgamer: I just dropped my favorite vase (and only big vase), it had 2 week old flowers in it and it shattered everywhere, moldy water too (it had just started to fuzz up). I sliced my hand open (on my pinkie finger right above the quick) in that dirty ass water, bled forever, the water shot high enough to hit me in the ear and soaked my shoe, carpet all over the kitchen. The glass took too long to clean, laundry is still going, I had to shower the filth off, and, come to think of it, I have a headache.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit like this just pisses me off. My new flowers are sitting in a quart jar until I buy a new vase.

Oh yeah, my favorite plant is dying and nothing I do is helping, I've had it since I was 9 years old:(
GameRager: Make sure you disinfect the area where you got cut to avoid infection(Stating the obvious, etc.)......also as for the plant that's dying: Did you try putting a bit of coffee grounds and dried eggshells into the soil of the pot the plant is in? A bit of "fertilizer"(Eggshells/coffee ground/etc.) can often revitalize a dying plant. Also good to try is half a baby aspirin dropped into the soil next to the plant.
My dog disturbed the roots about a year ago digging in it and it's not been the same since. I wonder if it needs repotting first or if that will be traumatic and I should just add extra soil to the top with the new fertilizer.
I know this is not bitching, but I just found out on friday (too late to catch him before he left for the weekend) that my old boss at a job I absolutely loved is looking for help. I am going to to go talk to him tomorrow, and do whatever it takes to have him take me back, as long as it's more than a shift or two a week.

I know this will sound hokey coming from me, but this year, I have felt the distinct brush of fate several times, seemingly lined up things to make up for missed oppurtunities. I left this job after I got my degree, feeling that I should aspire for greater things, and I was never so happy as I was working there.

God/science/fate/chance willing, I will convince him to take me back tomorrow, which will completely invert this shitty hand I was dealt into trip aces, as my severance pay could then fund the new glasses I desperately need, and perhaps even a laptop!

Keep your fingers crossed for me! In fact, if I get the news I am hoping for tomorrow, I am going to do a GOG giveaway, just to celebrate! ...but I am not getting my hopes up too much.
Post edited June 24, 2012 by anjohl
orcishgamer: My dog disturbed the roots about a year ago digging in it and it's not been the same since. I wonder if it needs repotting first or if that will be traumatic and I should just add extra soil to the top with the new fertilizer.
If it's life is "dangling by a thread", so to speak, i'd recommend adding a bit of extra topsoil on top along with the stuff I recommended(Dried eggshells or coffee grounds, and a baby aspirin[If plant is small/in small pot.] or a half an adult aspirin[If the plant is big and/or in a large pot.].) Also some water to help dissolve the aspirin and moisten the soil/roots/etc.
anjohl: I know this is not bitching, but I just found out on friday (too late to catch him before he left for the weekend) that my old boss at a job I absolutely loved is looking for help. I am going to to go talk to him tomorrow, and do whatever it takes to have him take me back, as long as it's more than a shift or two a week.

I know this will sound hokey coming from me, but this year, I have felt the distinct brush of fate several times, seemingly lined up things to make up for missed oppurtunities. I left this job after I got my degree, feeling that I should aspire for greater things, and I was never so happy as I was working there.

God/science/fate/chance willing, I will convince him to take me back tomorrow, which will completely invert this shitty hand I was dealt into trip aces, as my severance pay could then fund the new glasses I desperately need, and perhaps even a laptop!

Keep your fingers crossed for me! In fact, if I get the news I am hoping for tomorrow, I am going to do a GOG giveaway, just to celebrate! ...but I am not getting my hopes up too much.
Be sure you've got the new job before quitting the old one(If you have one currently and can work it alongside the new one without too much trouble.) though.....i'd say try to wait at least 2 weeks after getting the new(old) job to see if it works out(Boss is happy to have you back/happy with your work as you start out, and gives you enough hours/duties you feel happy to do/okay with doing over the long term.).

Good luck, at any rate. :)
Post edited June 24, 2012 by GameRager
GameRager: Also good to try is half a baby aspirin dropped into the soil next to the plant.
I think that would only slow down the dying process.
GameRager: Also good to try is half a baby aspirin dropped into the soil next to the plant.
Elenarie: I think that would only slow down the dying process.
Thus allowing the fertilizer and topsoil/water to do it's thing.
Elenarie: I think that would only slow down the dying process.
GameRager: Thus allowing the fertilizer and topsoil/water to do it's thing.
I guess you have a point there.
GameRager: Thus allowing the fertilizer and topsoil/water to do it's thing.
Elenarie: I guess you have a point there.
I suck at growing plants from seeds(usually) but am amazingly(and oddly) good at keeping bigger plants(Bought from stores, etc.) alive or bringing them back from near death. :\
itti: A related question. What do you do if she wants to listen to music all the time (really all the time) and you do not have the luxury of having multiple rooms available? Not that I don't like the music, it's just that I think it would be nice to be able to watch a movie or play a (non muted) pc game from time to time.
Use headphones yourself, and if she is unable to keep the noise level low enough, buy her also an Ipod.

Sometimes I do use speakers, but I still heaphones when playing something like Dungeon Keeper with its constant haunting "music" and monster sounds. I presume they must sound very irritating to someone who is not playing the game, hence I normally use headphones, unless I keep the multimedia speakers very quiet.

Come to think of it, I bet most game sounds sound quite irritating to others.
timppu: Use headphones yourself, and if she is unable to keep the noise level low enough, buy her also an Ipod.
I thought about using headphones but at least to my experience something about headphones encourages other people to ignore the fact that I wear some and talk to me nevertheless. The thinking process must be something like "Oh he's using headphones so he must be bored/lonely - I will just start to talk to him despite the fact that he can't hear me right now to solve this problem he is clearly having".

A few years ago when I still watched series on TV I had at least an excuse for needing to watch something like the newest episode of Lost "right now". With movies or PC games etc. there is always the possibility to postpone these activities until a better time arises. I fail to make a decent point why I should be allowed (i.e. given the time) to play/watch something at a given time.

I don't know if all females act the same but I usually feel some kind of basic requirement to be available for my gf. Often she will start to talk about something completely out of the blue and if I'm not immediately with her I get the usual "you never listen" treatment.

Clearly I over-analyze this kind of situation like I always do. I see the root of all my problems somewhere in my need to "zone out" of reality from time to time. I attribute this need to the fact that I'm not satisfied with the directions my life took. So the real and obvious solution would be to change my life to the better. Yeah... I still like to play PC games from time to time though.
Post edited June 25, 2012 by itti
thanks for this thread :)

I was told by my dentist that I had to have a tooth out, errrrr ok - I wasn't in pain before he took it out, but I have been for the last 5 days for goodness sake lol.

I wonder if dentists have dreams about patients getting them back lmao

have a great day peeps
itti: I thought about using headphones but at least to my experience something about headphones encourages other people to ignore the fact that I wear some and talk to me nevertheless. The thinking process must be something like "Oh he's using headphones so he must be bored/lonely - I will just start to talk to him despite the fact that he can't hear me right now to solve this problem he is clearly having".
Funny, because the opposite happens between me and my girl; if I play a game, she usually reckons I would rather be left relatively undisturbed, so she boots up the PC or something. Then I daren't disturb her, because clearly she's occupied by the wonderful world of the Internet. This can go on for hours, which sometimes feels pretty awkward, but I guess it's better than the alternative.

I also hate (in the "I have to get the fuck out of here even though I'm in my underwear and it's freezing outside" way) pretty much all the music she likes, although at first she found it difficult to believe that I didn't begin hating it because of her. Yeah, women, go figure. Naturally she hates some of the heavier music that I like, so we have a no-music-through-speakers-or-TV deal whenever the other is around. Yes, we're pretty weird.

itti: I don't know if all females act the same but I usually feel some kind of basic requirement to be available for my gf. Often she will start to talk about something completely out of the blue and if I'm not immediately with her I get the usual "you never listen" treatment.
Seems to happen around here too, except that she usually realizes that I a) am not interested in the subject or 2) have no idea what she's on about. The Finnish soap opera Salatut Elämät is the worst. I'm not interested in who killed whom, which characters were taken out of the show in what way and who happens to be the illegitimate son of the lady who killed the cute little boys who kissed three episode ago and all that shit, yet she keeps bombarding me with this vacuous crap even though I have asked her many times not to. She's got other friends, some of whom watch the stupid show, why not speak to them?
AlKim: Funny, because the opposite happens between me and my girl; if I play a game, she usually reckons I would rather be left relatively undisturbed, so she boots up the PC or something. Then I daren't disturb her, because clearly she's occupied by the wonderful world of the Internet. This can go on for hours, which sometimes feels pretty awkward, but I guess it's better than the alternative.
Has it always been this way between you and her or did you say something enlightening to her?

AlKim: I also hate (in the "I have to get the fuck out of here even though I'm in my underwear and it's freezing outside" way) pretty much all the music she likes, although at first she found it difficult to believe that I didn't begin hating it because of her. Yeah, women, go figure. Naturally she hates some of the heavier music that I like, so we have a no-music-through-speakers-or-TV deal whenever the other is around. Yes, we're pretty weird.
Oh man this must suck. I'm pretty fortunate that my gf pretty much listens to the same kind of music as I do. I have a really low tolerance for bad music (yeah I know this topic is subjective). As I said the problem is not the music itself but rather the fact that it's constantly around. The point I never seem to make clear with her is that although I'm interested in the same music and the same topics like her, I may not be as interested in them at same time as she is. If I'm currently in the middle of something else I'd rather not be disturbed every 1-2 minutes even if the reason for the disturbance is something I like.

AlKim: Seems to happen around here too, except that she usually realizes that I a) am not interested in the subject or 2) have no idea what she's on about. The Finnish soap opera Salatut Elämät is the worst. I'm not interested in who killed whom, which characters were taken out of the show in what way and who happens to be the illegitimate son of the lady who killed the cute little boys who kissed three episode ago and all that shit, yet she keeps bombarding me with this vacuous crap even though I have asked her many times not to. She's got other friends, some of whom watch the stupid show, why not speak to them?
I have a theory that many women (maybe men too) fail to make a difference between being interested in a particular topic and being interested in one as a person. It seems like not being interested in a girls soap opera may deliver the message that you don't care about her as a person, too.
I just pretty much failed uni today :-(, my own lazy fault.
dan30b: I just pretty much failed uni today :-(, my own lazy fault.
Trust me:

"You ain't the first".

Like a lot of things, being in university is inherently driven by your effort and motivation. Tae a year off, work for a bit, or just bum around europe with a backpack and a hacky-sack. Get your living in before you become weighed down by crushing debt!