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So, I went to my girlfriend for the weekend and now I am on the railway station, waiting for a 3 and a half hours long ride by train.

And now the best part - the train is late. 80 minutes, to be accurate. And I wantd to take this train so that I could get some more sleep before tomorrow's work.
Abso-fucking-lutely awesome.
klaymen: And now the best part - the train is late. 80 minutes, to be accurate. And I wantd to take this train so that I could get some more sleep before tomorrow's work.
Abso-fucking-lutely awesome.
This is such a common occurrence in Finland that many people avoid taking the train. I take it isn't in Slovakia?
No, it isn't common here. Trains are actually quite reliable and if they are late, it is usually less than 20 minutes.
And a while ago, I've heard an announcement that those 80 minutes of being late are actually two hours, save for a few minutes. Did the driver had to sober up or something? Fuck this shit.
anjohl: Lol, so I ask my old boss on Monday if he has a job open for me, and he tells me he will call me later that week. A very attractive job in the same industry that is a lot busier in terms of workload, farther away, but comes with more perks comes up on wednesday. I take it...and my boss calls me my *very* first day and now wants me back badly.

The world is fucking goofy. My new boss is going on vacation with his family on monday for two weeks, and the staff are barebones even with me. He seemed relieved to get someone that needed minimal training who could immediately fill the gap. My old boss really wants me back, but I wonder can he match the perks? Morally, I can't justify leaving my new job until the owner gets back in two weeks can I? I would feel like a total dick, as I would be abandoning my new coworkers who are already understaffed.

My current thought process is to explain to my old boss that I am interested, but that I cannot commit to more than part time work for the next few weeks, which will give me time to evaluate the new job. If the old job looks better, I can in good faith quit at the new place, without burning a bridge.

It's hilarious how quickly you can go from no job to too many jobs in the blink of an eye. First world problems, I tell ya.
Speaking from my own experience and the experience of 90% of my colleagues, you will regret it if you go back. Your old boss is desperate right now, if you go back that feeling is likely to turn to resentment. Don't burn your bridge with him, just politely tell him you feel it's time to move on from a "personal growth perspective" (this is the kind of bullshit-ism that is extremely hard to argue against, because it makes you sound like an asshole).
I just woke up from the freakiest nightmare I've probably ever seen. In it, at first I was visiting a friend's house. Everything was normal, we watched videos, it was sunny out, we we're having a fun time, but I occasionally saw a silhouette of a man flicker in the shadows. After a while, I left my friend's house, and started walking to the university through areas I do not know. When I was passing through this large, abandoned industrial yard, I felt a chill on my back and turned around to see that the summer landscape had turned into winter, and I was wearing summer clothes, so I quickly started running towards home to get some clothes, wondering what the crap was going on to suddenly have summer turn into winter. I checked my watch, and it had stopped. For some reason, I really needed to know the time, and I saw a woman in a bright, red dress on the other side of the snowy industrial yard (which I was just about to leave, noticed her by glancing back). I jogged to her and was about to ask her for the time, when she just told me that she's too busy to talk to me, but I raised my watch, and she freaked out when she saw my watch that had stopped, and shouted "when did you jump, shit, it's not too late, you can still.." and at this point I reached out my other hand to adjust the watch and she screamed "DON'T JUMP ON YOUR OWN!", but it was too late and I touched my watch, and in that instant the dream warped and all I could see was my own distorted face, with my eyes, mouth and nostrils wide open and full of black emptiness, and the background around my head flickered rapidly with images from the shadows of my friend's house. This vision had the loudest tinnitus I've ever heard, and I was screaming. At this point I woke up with my hands up in the air, my body was really cold, and I'm not sure if I really screamed or if I just had my mouth open like I had. I'm also really freaked out, and had slept for just an hour and a half, and am way too freaked out to go back to sleep anytime soon. I'm still cold even though I'm wearing a lot of clothes and it's +23C inside.

Dreams are silly. I'll probably completely forget how freaky it felt in a while, and wonder why I felt compelled to write about it :p least this one made more sense in its scariness than my last nightmare in which a bunch of happy dogs and people came to me smiling and wanted to play (no malice, just happy happy play), and that scared me so much that I practically jumped out of bed.
orcishgamer: Speaking from my own experience and the experience of 90% of my colleagues, you will regret it if you go back. Your old boss is desperate right now, if you go back that feeling is likely to turn to resentment. Don't burn your bridge with him, just politely tell him you feel it's time to move on from a "personal growth perspective" (this is the kind of bullshit-ism that is extremely hard to argue against, because it makes you sound like an asshole).
Why would he resent me though? Could you explain? Also, there are some advantages to the old job as well, namely working alone, closer driving distance, and the fact that I know exactly what I am getting into. Also, I left on very good terms.
orcishgamer: Speaking from my own experience and the experience of 90% of my colleagues, you will regret it if you go back. Your old boss is desperate right now, if you go back that feeling is likely to turn to resentment. Don't burn your bridge with him, just politely tell him you feel it's time to move on from a "personal growth perspective" (this is the kind of bullshit-ism that is extremely hard to argue against, because it makes you sound like an asshole).
anjohl: Why would he resent me though? Could you explain? Also, there are some advantages to the old job as well, namely working alone, closer driving distance, and the fact that I know exactly what I am getting into. Also, I left on very good terms.
People resent that you "abandoned" them, whatever made you change jobs hasn't gone away, whether it was a lack of raises, good assignments, respect, or whatever. If you go back, and of course this is just generally speaking, the fact that he "needed" you more than he thought is gonna bother him even more. Any concessions made will be like pulling teeth, and generally you can consider any bump in compensation to be your last one.
anjohl: Why would he resent me though? Could you explain? Also, there are some advantages to the old job as well, namely working alone, closer driving distance, and the fact that I know exactly what I am getting into. Also, I left on very good terms.
orcishgamer: People resent that you "abandoned" them, whatever made you change jobs hasn't gone away, whether it was a lack of raises, good assignments, respect, or whatever. If you go back, and of course this is just generally speaking, the fact that he "needed" you more than he thought is gonna bother him even more. Any concessions made will be like pulling teeth, and generally you can consider any bump in compensation to be your last one.
Hmm, I get what you mean now. Basically, he resents the loss of control? Is this insurmountable in your experience?
dan30b: I just pretty much failed uni today :-(, my own lazy fault.
Yeah, the fear of failure when I studied in the UK wasn't a great thing. You fail enough modules and you have to repeat the whole year, fail the same module enough times and you're pretty much fooked.

That's what so great and shite about the German uni system. You can take whatever modules you want when you want and how often you want, so students tend to spend the first year or two being utter nobs, boozing and partying as you do, until the reality sets in and they have a chance to knuckle down and focus.

The downside of it of course is that some of them never get out of the boozer phase.
I clearly should have studied in Germany! :P
orcishgamer: People resent that you "abandoned" them, whatever made you change jobs hasn't gone away, whether it was a lack of raises, good assignments, respect, or whatever. If you go back, and of course this is just generally speaking, the fact that he "needed" you more than he thought is gonna bother him even more. Any concessions made will be like pulling teeth, and generally you can consider any bump in compensation to be your last one.
anjohl: Hmm, I get what you mean now. Basically, he resents the loss of control? Is this insurmountable in your experience?
Nothing's impossible, but the smart money is playing the odds and the odds are steeply against it working out okay, I don't even know of 1/10 people who've "gone back" and didn't end up regretting it.

Again, I'm working on generalities here, I don't know your ex-boss specifically. I do know people who've gone back to supposedly nice ex-bosses and still regretted doing so.
Adzeth: I just woke up from the freakiest nightmare I've probably ever seen. In it, at first I was visiting a friend's house. Everything was normal, we watched videos, it was sunny out, we we're having a fun time, but I occasionally saw a silhouette of a man flicker in the shadows. After a while, I left my friend's house, and started walking to the university through areas I do not know. When I was passing through this large, abandoned industrial yard, I felt a chill on my back and turned around to see that the summer landscape had turned into winter, and I was wearing summer clothes, so I quickly started running towards home to get some clothes, wondering what the crap was going on to suddenly have summer turn into winter. I checked my watch, and it had stopped. For some reason, I really needed to know the time, and I saw a woman in a bright, red dress on the other side of the snowy industrial yard (which I was just about to leave, noticed her by glancing back). I jogged to her and was about to ask her for the time, when she just told me that she's too busy to talk to me, but I raised my watch, and she freaked out when she saw my watch that had stopped, and shouted "when did you jump, shit, it's not too late, you can still.." and at this point I reached out my other hand to adjust the watch and she screamed "DON'T JUMP ON YOUR OWN!", but it was too late and I touched my watch, and in that instant the dream warped and all I could see was my own distorted face, with my eyes, mouth and nostrils wide open and full of black emptiness, and the background around my head flickered rapidly with images from the shadows of my friend's house. This vision had the loudest tinnitus I've ever heard, and I was screaming. At this point I woke up with my hands up in the air, my body was really cold, and I'm not sure if I really screamed or if I just had my mouth open like I had. I'm also really freaked out, and had slept for just an hour and a half, and am way too freaked out to go back to sleep anytime soon. I'm still cold even though I'm wearing a lot of clothes and it's +23C inside.

Dreams are silly. I'll probably completely forget how freaky it felt in a while, and wonder why I felt compelled to write about it :p least this one made more sense in its scariness than my last nightmare in which a bunch of happy dogs and people came to me smiling and wanted to play (no malice, just happy happy play), and that scared me so much that I practically jumped out of bed.
Sounds like you're either about to do/want to do something you've never done before(Or something you've done before but in a new way.) IRL, or have started doing something IRL but are unsure of how to continue forward in doing such/in relation to such(Or if you want to continue forward at all.).

(The part where you go from a familiar situation/location[Watching videos at a friend's house on a sunny summer day.] to an unfamiliar one[Cold industrial setting.] seems to indicate it's something new to you that's troubling you IRL. The bit with the woman[Your subconscious perhaps?] telling you it's not too late could reference you being unsure of a decision you've made or are about to make IRL, while the bit where you check your watch could signify that you're worried about wasting time and not doing something in life before it's too late/time runs out.)

Are you currently facing(Or about to face/thinking of facing soon.)/dealing with any major life decisions/changes?
Post edited July 02, 2012 by GameRager
Went for a little trip on the mountain with my girl yesterday. Now my knees hurt so badly, I haven't been able to sleep during the night. :(

I guess I really need to have that operation as soon as possible, this pain is unbearable.
GameRager: Are you currently facing(Or about to face/thinking of facing soon.)/dealing with any major life decisions/changes?
I had an exam yesterday and I was like mega-stressed about it. There's also going to be a big renovation at my apartment house and I will have to move out temporarily or permanently, dunno which yet. Not much I can do about either :p
Other than that, my biggest life decision at the moment is that my old shower curtain is moldy and beyond the help of washing, so I'm wondering whether to go to the nearby store and pay 20€ for a new one, or walk a few hours and get one for 6€ in Ikea.
Post edited July 03, 2012 by Adzeth
I broke the fjucking mirror this morning in my bathroom (it just fell off, just like that). And my gf is indeed superstitious of it.

And if that wasn't enough, the plumbing in the kitchen has apparently been dripping water who knows how long. I made an interim fix for it, but I hate to think what damages it may have caused over time, I didn't check the floor. At least the neighbour downstairs hasn't complained yet.