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anjohl: You wanna know what sucks? Arts degrees. Not in terms of the enlightenmnet they provide, as I wouldn't be who I am today without my political science degree, but sweet fuck the world doesn't want arts majors at ALL.
GameRager: You took an ART MAJOR then expected it to translate into real world work opportunities just like a more viable major would? Seriously?
I know eh? Hilarity ensued.
anjohl: I know eh? Hilarity ensued.
Funny thing is I was playing On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Part 1, and was at the bit with the bums when I read your post(One of the bums even says "I have degrees in philosophy and drama.").
My mom says I can't smack my girlfriend :(
StingingVelvet: My mom says I can't smack my girlfriend :(
Your attorney advises you not to, even if she's beating the shit out of you, run out of the house with your arms crossed in front of you.
StingingVelvet: My mom says I can't smack my girlfriend :(
orcishgamer: Your attorney advises you not to, even if she's beating the shit out of you, run out of the house with your arms crossed in front of you.
Spanking is different than smacking, tho, right?
orcishgamer: Your attorney advises you not to, even if she's beating the shit out of you, run out of the house with your arms crossed in front of you.
HereForTheBeer: Spanking is different than smacking, tho, right?
Spanking is highly recommended. Your neighborhood orc recommends lingerie and spanking as coinciding activities.
anjohl: I know eh? Hilarity ensued.
GameRager: Funny thing is I was playing On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Part 1, and was at the bit with the bums when I read your post(One of the bums even says "I have degrees in philosophy and drama.").
I suppose the point is that university/college is meant to educate, not employ. I am fine with that, but you would think there would be SOME value placed on it.

Anyway, good news is I found a job, started tonight, and the owner seems pretty nice.
GameRager: Funny thing is I was playing On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Part 1, and was at the bit with the bums when I read your post(One of the bums even says "I have degrees in philosophy and drama.").
anjohl: I suppose the point is that university/college is meant to educate, not employ. I am fine with that, but you would think there would be SOME value placed on it.

Anyway, good news is I found a job, started tonight, and the owner seems pretty nice.
University DOES educate...its' up to the person being educated to pick a major they can(And want to) land a job in after the fact...well unless said students don't want or need to work, that is.

It's good you found a job though....kudos. :)
Post edited June 29, 2012 by GameRager
anjohl: I suppose the point is that university/college is meant to educate, not employ. I am fine with that, but you would think there would be SOME value placed on it.

Anyway, good news is I found a job, started tonight, and the owner seems pretty nice.
GameRager: University DOES educate...its' up to the person being educated to pick a major they can(And want to) land a job in after the fact...well unless said students don't want or need to work, that is.

It's good you found a job though....kudos. :)
Imo, you just described vocational school, not a university liberal arts program. To be fair, it might have taken me until I was done with my BS in CS before I learned the difference, but there is a difference. The disconnect has been written about since the 1950s at least.
Following on from my recent post I'm still constantly on edge >:| I think it's because I have too much 'thinking' time, if that makes sense, as I'm currently working p/t. I'm (hopefully) starting an MRes later this year so that should help, meanwhile I need to find something to productively occupy my time. Maybe I'll learn a second language.
Goatbrush: Following on from my recent post I'm still constantly on edge >:| I think it's because I have too much 'thinking' time, if that makes sense, as I'm currently working p/t. I'm (hopefully) starting an MRes later this year so that should help, meanwhile I need to find something to productively occupy my time. Maybe I'll learn a second language.
Learn sign language!

Or learn to program (Learn Python the Hard Way isn't actually all that hard and it's free).

Build something cool as hell, check out what I found looking for cool lamps last night:

Or you could learn how to do Arduino and/or 3D printing!
GameRager: University DOES educate...its' up to the person being educated to pick a major they can(And want to) land a job in after the fact...well unless said students don't want or need to work, that is.

It's good you found a job though....kudos. :)
orcishgamer: Imo, you just described vocational school, not a university liberal arts program. To be fair, it might have taken me until I was done with my BS in CS before I learned the difference, but there is a difference. The disconnect has been written about since the 1950s at least.
The liberal arts programs are a direct descendant of upper class-intended programs meant to educate future nobility. Anyway, I am not going to defind doing my degree, the world tells students such degrees are great ideas, or at the very least the universities do. I will just be thankful I have no Damoclean student loan hanging over my head.
orcishgamer: Imo, you just described vocational school, not a university liberal arts program. To be fair, it might have taken me until I was done with my BS in CS before I learned the difference, but there is a difference. The disconnect has been written about since the 1950s at least.
anjohl: The liberal arts programs are a direct descendant of upper class-intended programs meant to educate future nobility. Anyway, I am not going to defind doing my degree, the world tells students such degrees are great ideas, or at the very least the universities do. I will just be thankful I have no Damoclean student loan hanging over my head.
No student loans? You lucky bugger. :)
orcishgamer: Learn sign language!

Or learn to program (Learn Python the Hard Way isn't actually all that hard and it's free).

Build something cool as hell, check out what I found looking for cool lamps last night:

Or you could learn how to do Arduino and/or 3D printing!
Learning another programming language could be a good idea actually, but Arduino looks really interesting. Seems like it could get expensive but I'll definitely check it out.
Lol, so I ask my old boss on Monday if he has a job open for me, and he tells me he will call me later that week. A very attractive job in the same industry that is a lot busier in terms of workload, farther away, but comes with more perks comes up on wednesday. I take it...and my boss calls me my *very* first day and now wants me back badly.

The world is fucking goofy. My new boss is going on vacation with his family on monday for two weeks, and the staff are barebones even with me. He seemed relieved to get someone that needed minimal training who could immediately fill the gap. My old boss really wants me back, but I wonder can he match the perks? Morally, I can't justify leaving my new job until the owner gets back in two weeks can I? I would feel like a total dick, as I would be abandoning my new coworkers who are already understaffed.

My current thought process is to explain to my old boss that I am interested, but that I cannot commit to more than part time work for the next few weeks, which will give me time to evaluate the new job. If the old job looks better, I can in good faith quit at the new place, without burning a bridge.

It's hilarious how quickly you can go from no job to too many jobs in the blink of an eye. First world problems, I tell ya.