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tbh only FPS game i like atm thats recent that is is destiny 2, overwatch is fun but it has no goals or any real content, and i wished i never bought B04 literally just a microtransaction stuffed game
moobot83: despit epic being scumbags alot of the time they do have unreal tournament here on GOG so they aint as heartless as some other developers who scorn gog users mere existance
karnak1: Exactly.
They know GOG isn't a threat, so they see GOG as a way to earn some change. Probably enough to pay the janitor's salary.
The Valve bastards, on the other hand, never even bothered to sell their old games on GOG.
I understand that, when Steam started, keeping Half-life and Portal exclusives was a good way to grab new customers. Nowadays, since new gamers don't even remember these classics, they could at least sell them here and earn some cash with the DRM-free crowd.
Yeah getting the Half-Life games on GOG would be nice, though Epic already had the Unreal Tournament games on GOG before they opened their store, whereas Valve already had Steam by the time GOG became a thing, so it's probably more due to timing.

Though EA and Ubisoft have made games available on GOG even after Origin and UPlay, so if they can do it, so can Valve.
gameragodzilla: ...So if Epic decides that route as you suggest, I have even less use for them.
You may have less but others may have more. Businesses usually care for numbers, not for single customers.
only shooter ea has is apex, bettle field and battlefront which none are on GOG
moobot83: only shooter ea has is apex, bettle field and battlefront which none are on GOG
EA also published the Crysis and Medal of Honor games. Crysis 1 and Warhead, as well as Medal of Honor Allied Assault and Pacific Assault are on GOG.

Though that was the pre-lootbox microtransaction days. Before the dark times.
Looks like the Epic sale going on right now is having repercussions. Epic is offering $10 off the discounted price for all games $15 or above. Some publishers have already pulled their games from the sale and don't seem too happy about Epic doing this.

[EDIT] Epic is covering the $10 cost - looks like publishers are worried about devaluation, especially products that haven't even been released yet.
Post edited May 17, 2019 by tremere110
I might be interested in buying some games from Epic during the sale. Since you folks are clearly the experts about DRM, what is the situation with the games on the Epic store right now? How can I detect what kind of DRM (also including clients needed to install or run the game) a game has and can I maybe filter only for DRM free games on Epic?
Post edited May 17, 2019 by Trilarion
Trilarion: I might be interested in buying some games from Epic during the sale. Since you folks are clearly the experts about DRM, what is the situation with the games on the Epic store right now? How can I detect what kind of DRM (also including clients needed to install or run the game) a game has and can I maybe filter only for DRM free games on Epic?
The Epic Store is barebones right now. They don't even have a shopping cart and if you buy too many games in a short time frame they freeze your account. There is no filter for DRM-free, you'll just have to ask people what their experiences are or ask the devs.
The only thing that tempted me in this sale is the pre-purchase of Phoenix Point. I could get it with regional price for $4.99. That is crazy good.
Trilarion: I might be interested in buying some games from Epic during the sale. Since you folks are clearly the experts about DRM, what is the situation with the games on the Epic store right now? How can I detect what kind of DRM (also including clients needed to install or run the game) a game has and can I maybe filter only for DRM free games on Epic?
tremere110: The Epic Store is barebones right now. They don't even have a shopping cart and if you buy too many games in a short time frame they freeze your account. There is no filter for DRM-free, you'll just have to ask people what their experiences are or ask the devs.
Heard about that, it's like Epic was just something that was slapped together from the sound of it.
Don't wanna be an a**hole - no señor - but damn those Epic spyware claims are tremendously worrisome. Some are quite comical and stuff but others are serious as heck.

I mean, people I know personally talking "yep they (not just epic but several other dudes) spy on us but nah, I'm okay with it". Not me, man!
Rune II, formerly known as Rune: Ragnarok, will be another game joining the list of Epic exclusives.
Post edited May 22, 2019 by Grargar
City of Brass (free until June 6) is DRM-free at the moment. Version 1.6.0, 4.7 GB in size, works without Epic launcher or any kind of parameters.
Kingdom: New Lands is the new free game. The game can be played from it's exe without the Launcher, so I've read.

June 13 will see Enter the Gungeon.
Post edited June 07, 2019 by DubConqueror
Journey has quietly slipped from "coming" to released today as well. I bought it- my first ever Epic purchase $4.99 with the Epic $10 discount. Hopefully they didn't mess up the port, I'm going to play it as soon as I'm done with what I'm currently playing.