moobot83: despit epic being scumbags alot of the time they do have unreal tournament here on GOG so they aint as heartless as some other developers who scorn gog users mere existance
karnak1: Exactly.
They know GOG isn't a threat, so they see GOG as a way to earn some change. Probably enough to pay the janitor's salary.
The Valve bastards, on the other hand, never even bothered to sell their old games on GOG.
I understand that, when Steam started, keeping Half-life and Portal exclusives was a good way to grab new customers. Nowadays, since new gamers don't even remember these classics, they could at least sell them here and earn some cash with the DRM-free crowd.
Yeah getting the Half-Life games on GOG would be nice, though Epic already had the Unreal Tournament games on GOG before they opened their store, whereas Valve already had Steam by the time GOG became a thing, so it's probably more due to timing.
Though EA and Ubisoft have made games available on GOG even after Origin and UPlay, so if they can do it, so can Valve.