Klumpen0815: I have finished my first playthrough of "The Banner Saga" today and it was very good, so this is really sad.
GR00T: ...is nothing less than a massive Please Fuck Off. I'll be avoiding anything these asshats develop in the future. What a colossal shame they can't see beyond the end of their noses.
Klumpen0815: That's exactly how I understood it.
menganogog: I understand Stoic needs to protect his game, but obiously DRM there isn't a solution for that problem. I can bet 24 hours after release (if not 24 hours before) there'll be a ''pirated drm - free'' build. It is sad, first because they wouldn't get anything putting DRM on his game and second because piracy legend is growing up again.
Klumpen0815: Imho this way they'll at least see, that GoG isn't the reason for piracy like they seem to put it (which is quite insulting to be honest). I have no idea about torrent sites since I haven't been on any of those since I became a customer here, are there still all those DRMed Steam games on day 1?
Like you, I'm not friend of illegal DRMed games, but I know they exist. Well, maybe i've exaggerated saying 24 hours before launch, but piracy is a fact. Maybe one or two days later or a month with some harder DRMs, but soon or later the game will be ''free'' on the internet. Most times before developers have payed off the production.
IMHO with this policies maybe Stoic get to control piracy problem, but I'm sure only for a short time. However, I've for sure they'll lose a great amount of loyal users, overall those how love legal DRM - Free and a pleasant treatment by developers.
menganogog: Fortunately, there will be a lot of good games coming here, without DRM. Without prejudices.
Klumpen0815: +1