djoxyk: I dislike telemetry as well, and I dislike Unity games even more (for various reasons - slow response of controls or clunky UI which cripple any game). So I just stopped to buy games made with Unity. Last game I forced myself to play was Pillars of Eternity, that was so awful in terms of controls, UI, not to mention dull story. What you would expect from less famous studios when they use Unity engine?
just stop buying Unity games and it will cover telemetry issue :)
Dark_art_: There are real good games made with Unity. Ori and the blind forest comes to mind.
With all the stuff going on, may eventually put a off line computer toghether to play the sequel.
Wasn't Cuphead made with Unity as well?
maybe that's an exception from rule, some games can be of good quality but most of the time it's frustrating experience. maybe it's just me, I still enjoy old games from late 90s or early 2000s and these games show how much work and dedication developers had to put into their game, even having limited technology they were able to deliver hits we still enjoy.
What is Unity and why everyone from asset flippers to giants like Obsidian uses this lame engine? in the old times developers wrote game engine from scratch, tailored it to game actual features and it resulted in unique experience, everything was snappy and lightweight. Now developers decided that we absolutely have to see zillions of games every year, everyone has to create a game (even if they have no idea what kind of game do they want or how to code basic features, leave alone bug fixing or optimization). Unity comes to save these unskilled developers from creating their game by hand. And it shows.
Stardew Valley, Book of Demons are serious examples of small studios (or one man) who were able to create great games without Unity. I always check which engine game in question uses before buying it. if it's self made engine that's a determining factor in my purchase priorities.
If you want to keep playing good unique games stop supporting Unity, if things won't change it will kill the whole scene and we'll have nothing new to play in 5 years.