Klumpen0815: I never got into normal higher education due to my very bad family background and other reasons, had to abort university out of financial reasons too (didn't get into the field I wanted to go into anyway), but am doing fine and better every year, I've got a nice job where I can create musical instruments (right up my alley) and enough time to get my own product line together which is materializing right now.
XYCat: I dunno, making something cool :D
Making a game or something would be the most reasonable as it presumably might be done without the need of meeting in person since there's people all over the world here.
Klumpen0815: Hey, I always wanted to participate in making a game as a musician.
I'm a multiinstrumentalist mostly playing hurdy-gurdy and oriental frame drums but other stuff too.
If you want to stand out, use real instruments/music instead of pc generated stuff, nobody is doing this anymore, last game I knew that used real musicians was Knights of Honor, at least I think so.